Most guns of icarus related news are at:

Service Senpai – Dalla 7DFPS un gioco di tennis in prima persona ! (freeware game) 24 Aug 2013 | 01:04 am
Ok, sparare ai cattivi negli sparatutto in prima persona non è poi così difficile a meno che i cattivi siano davvero tanto cattivi ma giocare a tennis ? Il mondo indie riesce a fare anche questo e se ...
Pause Ahead – Un platform dove per vincere dovremo mettere in pausa ! (free web game) 24 Aug 2013 | 12:48 am
Sviluppato originariamente per la Molyjam 2012 Pause Ahead, platform freeware creato da Askiisoft, sbarca sul portale AdultSwim con nuovi livelli, grafica migliorata e con tanto divertimento da offrir...
More guns of icarus related news:
Månadens Release – Oktober 26 Sep 2012 | 04:24 pm
Då kommer äntligen Månadens Release för Oktober Mac Shadow of a Soul: Chapter I Vivec Entertainment 24/10/2012 Guns of Icarus Online Muse Games 29/10/2012 PC CARRIER COMMAND: GAEA MISSION (US) Rising ...
Guns of Icarus Adventure Mode Sails to Kickstarter 16 Apr 2013 | 07:05 am
Hello all! A while back we reviewed Guns of Icarus Online. Muse Games told us how interested they were in making some PvE content for the co-op airship game. Well, it seems they’ve finally made some h...
Guns Of Icarus Online (PS4) 23 Aug 2013 | 08:49 pm
Quote: WE’RE HEADED FOR THE PS4. Needless to say, we’ve been pretty busy this past few months with wrapping up our Adventure Mode Kickstarter and starting development on that as well as continued de...
Guns Of Icarus Online (PS4) 23 Aug 2013 | 08:49 pm
Quote: WE’RE HEADED FOR THE PS4. Needless to say, we’ve been pretty busy this past few months with wrapping up our Adventure Mode Kickstarter and starting development on that as well as continued de...
Guns of Icarus Online выйдет на PS4 26 Aug 2013 | 06:59 pm
Студия Muse Games, уже три года разрабатывающая и развивающая необычную MMO Guns of Icarus Online, пообещала, что проект выйдет и на консоли следующего поколения PlayStation 4. Правда, пока создатели ...
Iron Grip Warlord - Um jogo dieselpunk fantástico demais 26 Aug 2013 | 08:07 pm
Quando eu fiz a matéria sobre o jogo Guns of Icarus Online, o leitor Douglas Pagoto recomendou um outro jogo que eu jamais tinha ouvido falar na vida, o Iron Grip Warlord. Decidi então testar e fiquei...
AirBuccaneers - Muita aventura com vikings voadores! 25 Aug 2013 | 03:27 am
Hoje vou falar sobre AirBuccaneers, um jogo um tanto inusitado que segue o mesmo estilo de Guns of Icarus mas contém uma essência bastante diferente e que certamente vai gerar belas gargalhadas princi...
Guns Of Icarus Online (PS4) 23 Aug 2013 | 08:49 pm
Quote: WE’RE HEADED FOR THE PS4. Needless to say, we’ve been pretty busy this past few months with wrapping up our Adventure Mode Kickstarter and starting development on that as well as continued de...
Guns Of Icarus Online (PS4) 23 Aug 2013 | 08:49 pm
Quote: WE’RE HEADED FOR THE PS4. Needless to say, we’ve been pretty busy this past few months with wrapping up our Adventure Mode Kickstarter and starting development on that as well as continued de...
Guns Of Icarus Online (PS4) 23 Aug 2013 | 08:49 pm
Quote: WE’RE HEADED FOR THE PS4. Needless to say, we’ve been pretty busy this past few months with wrapping up our Adventure Mode Kickstarter and starting development on that as well as continued de...