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Daily Hadith 27 Aug 2013 | 03:37 pm
Narrated: Aisha Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever died and he ought to have fasted (the missed days of Ramadan) then his guardians must fast on his behalf." Get Daily Hadith Email and Commentary
Daily Hadith 26 Aug 2013 | 10:47 am
Narrated: Abu Dhar The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: 'There will be people among my Ummah (nation) after me who will recite the Quran, but it will not go deeper than their throats. They will pass thr...
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Message important pour une mobilisation massive! 29 May 2009 | 04:54 am
as salamou 'alaykoum j espere que vous allez tous bien avant toute chose, lisez ce hadith : '...Huit jours avant sa mort, il dit: « Mes frères d'Ohod (les martyrs) me manquent ! Je veux leur rendre...
Forty Hadith of Nawawy 31 Aug 2009 | 10:34 am
Explanation of the Forty Hadiths of Nawawy by his eminence Dr. Ali Jum’aa, Grand Mufti of Egypt. Ep. 1 نشرت فيEnglish Tagged: Dr. Ali Jum'aa, Mufti of Egypt, Nawawy
Bila 'Pakar Hadith' Mengajar Berbohong ? Mengapa Ada Yang Masih Mengikutnya ? 20 May 2011 | 01:17 am
Masih Ingat Lagi ? Ini adalah dakwaan Dr Asri tentang upacara Telah Air Ludah Ustaz (itupun bukan dari penyelidikan yang dibuat olehnya sendiri tetapi orang lain) :
The Status Of Two Who Love One Another For The Sake Of Allah 27 Sep 2011 | 08:13 pm
Dr. Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi Many hadith describe the status of two people who love one another for the sake of Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala), and describe the high position in Paradise which He has pro...
Donate 30 Jul 2010 | 11:59 am
“O Son of Adam! Spend, and surely Allah will spend on you.”(Hadith Qudsi) We are appealing to all Muslims to contribute in the completing of the house of Allah. The prophet (peace be upon him) said i...
Hadith 35: Ketinggian Darjat Dalam Syurga kerana Al-Quran 10 Dec 2011 | 07:17 am
Gambar hiasan: Madrasah Tahfiz Al-Quran Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, “(Pada hari pengadilan kelak) akan dikatakan kepada orang al-Quran, Bacalah al-Qu...
Ahlu Sunnah Blog 14 Aug 2009 | 03:04 pm
Bismillahi Ar-rahmaani Ar-raheem , 13 Mustahab ( Sunnat ) Ha Namuasa : 1.) Sunnat in mag-us`us sila ha pagbuka bang niya na tanto in lu`gom sin suga . Ha hadith (( لا تزال امتي بخير ما عجلوا الفطر ...
Mengapa Hadith Palsu Dibenci? 26 Jan 2012 | 03:06 am
- Gambar Hiasan - Di era zaman perkembangan teknologi dan globalisasi, kita dapati masyarakat Islam di Malaysia kebanyakannya telah membuka mata dan minda mereka kepada keluasan ilmu pengetahuan sert...
Perkara Sia-sia 6 Dec 2009 | 05:37 am
10 PERKARA YANG SIA-SIA Sufyan Ats-Tsauri, seorang ulama hadith yang terkemuka, menyatakan bahawa ada sepuluh hal yang termasuk dalam kategori sia-sia, iaitu:- 1. Lelaki atau wanita yang berdoa untu...
Drawing Creatures that do Not Exisit 25 May 2010 | 12:05 pm
As most Muslims know, we cannot draw people or animals, unless it is for some educational purpose that we cannot avoid. This ruling is supported by the following hadiths: While I was with Ibn 'Abbas ...