Most hell or high watermelon related news are at:

Friday Beer Snob: Blue Point Pumpkin Ale 10 Sep 2011 | 02:18 am
Blue Point Pumpkin Ale Brewed By: Blue Point Brewed In: Patchogue, NY ABV: 6.0% Type: Ale What They Say: According to Linus there are 3 things never to discuss with people: religion, politics, an...
Friday Beer Snob: Blue Point Pumpkin Ale 9 Sep 2011 | 10:18 pm
Blue Point Pumpkin Ale Brewed By: Blue Point Brewed In: Patchogue, NY ABV: 6.0% Type: Ale What They Say: According to Linus there are 3 things never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the...
More hell or high watermelon related news:
DVD 4.10.2011: Deep Purple – Come Hell or High Water 4 Oct 2011 | 10:00 am
Dne 4.10.2011 nás v deníku Aha čeká DVD Deep Purple – Come Hell or High Water Obsah DVD: 01. Highway Star 02. Black Night 03. Talk About Love 04. Twist In The Tale 05. Perfect Strangers 06. Bee...
αμέτι μουχαμέτι: Semantics 8 Mar 2011 | 02:01 am
We have just looked at the development of the syntax of αμέτι μουχαμέτι, from an Ottoman Turkish noun phrase ümmet-i Muhammed "nation of Muhammad", to the Modern Greek adverb "come hell or high water"...
αμέτι μουχαμέτι: Syntax 7 Mar 2011 | 05:15 am
We saw in the last post the evidence for the development of αμέτι μουχαμέτι in the 19th century, from the Ottoman Turkish ümmet-i Muhammed "nation of Muhammed", to the Modern Greek "come hell or high ...
αμέτι μουχαμέτι, "Come Hell or High Water" 3 Mar 2011 | 02:06 am
As I alluded to in the previous post, this post is about how the Ottoman phrase ümmet-i Muhammed, "Nation of Muhammad", turned into the Modern Greek expression αμέτι μουχαμέτι, "come hell or high wate...
Big News, Halibut Opens March 1 2012 29 Feb 2012 | 04:08 pm
I’ll bet there won’t be many sport fishermen out being a weekday. I’m going hell or high water. I know where there are some halies close to town, If I can get to them before the locals do. I’ll have t...
Start-Up Mode 20 Oct 2012 | 12:24 am
HELL YEAH!! High-fives mixed with sleepless nights best describe the past 6 months of my life. Back to Start-Up Mode - Winery Style. Far from the dot-com boom when I first moved to San Francisco ove...
Franco and Thanksgiving in Australia 22 Nov 2012 | 12:15 am
It doesn’t exist. Here I go getting ready for work. Happy thanksgiving everyone! Song of the Day: William Elliot Whitmore – Hell Or High Water
Home Tour Reminder... 16 May 2013 | 11:10 pm
Well, the spring home tour is only two days away. And come hell or high water, the show must go on! I was just telling myself that yesterday as I was brought to the hospital for an emergency ultraso...
From the front seat of my car 30 May 2013 | 04:35 am
It’s been so long since I’ve written here that I barely remember how to log in. Isn’t that sad? I used to write here every single day, come hell or high water (why I use that expression all the time, ...
‘PORK’ WHITEWASH? 27 Aug 2013 | 02:43 am
Nat’l ‘day of rage’ against PDAF ILOILO City – Come hell or high water, the nationwide protests today against the pork barrel will push through, militant groups declared.