Most hidden emoticon plurk related news are at:

Dosen Tak Bernyawa, Sebuah Tulisan Terakhir 6 Nov 2012 | 05:21 pm
“Manusia berawal dari setetes air mani yang hina Berakhir menjadi seonggok daging yang membusuk Dan saat ini berada diantara keduanya dengan membawa kotoran kemana-mana” -Salim A. Fillah- “Dalam De...
SEAGames FREE LIVE Streaming RCTI 8 Nov 2011 | 03:20 am
RCTI live streaming : Klik Tombol RCTI untuk menyaksikan Live streaming RCTI SCTV online streaming : Klik Tombol SCTV untuk menonton SCTV Live Streaming Global TV Streaming - Trans TV - TVone : klik...
More hidden emoticon plurk related news:
Complete List of Plurk (Hidden) Emoticons 24 Dec 2010 | 08:26 pm
Plurk is a social networking site that allow you to post 140 characters of your status. Maybe seems like another status-sharing sites but plurk offers more fun. In plurk there are Karma, a valuation o...
Yahoo Hidden Emoticon Messenger Kereen :) 8 Aug 2010 | 02:24 am
PLEASE ONE CLIK :) Ads by Smowtion Yahoo Hidden Emoticon Messenger Kereen :) Agustus 7, 2010 gemini Sunting Tinggalkan komentar Weknew that Emoticons are emotion icons that can be used in InstantM...
Using Plurk Hidden Emoticons Easily without Memorizing 12 Feb 2011 | 05:03 pm
Are you plurker? you may familiar with these `plurkish` emoticons , or Even some of you have already memorized the emoticons code, don’t you? Recently, plurk has released `tons` of hidden emoticons...
Tips: Menambahkan Emoticon Plurk di Blog Berbasis WordPress 13 Oct 2008 | 05:05 pm
Jika kamu sudah bergabung dengan layanan Plurk, pasti kamu sudah kenal dengan emoticon berikut: (dance) , (doh) , dan (woot) . Tiga emoticon tersebut adalah tiga emoticon favorit saya Nah berikut ada...
Yahoo Hidden emoticons 26 Aug 2007 | 09:18 pm
Yahoo Messenger – Hidden emotIcons
Add More Emoticons on Plurk Legally, Why not ? 20 Aug 2011 | 02:28 am
Yakin ?? beneran sob, tambahkan sendiri emoticon yang kamu mau, dan bisa digunakan seperti emoticon resmi pake kode .... Langsung saja, lengkapi isian di tab General dan Extra {My Profile, edit}samp...
Plurk Emoticons yang Tersembunyi! 9 Jan 2011 | 11:29 pm
Halooo~ udah lama gak post apa-apa di blog. Oke langsung aja, dari gambar disamping itu emoticons yang disediain sama plurk ada yang Basic Set sama Extra Set. Tapi kalo kita udah bosen sama emot yang ...
Upload Your Own Plurk Emoticons! 19 Aug 2011 | 06:02 pm
Bored with your current plurk emoticons? wanna create your own and show it on plurk? Now plurk developer has made it possible. just follow my instructions below 1. Complete your profile, try to reac...
Plurk New Custom Emoticons (through 22 Jul 2011 | 07:51 pm
few weeks ago, amix posted a thread about user self customization plurk emoticons. it seemed that user were able to upload their own custom emoticons through but unfortunatelly, it see...
Plurk Without (troll) on Firefox 12 Jan 2011 | 02:51 pm
Since a few days ago, there are some troll emoticon introduced in plurk. There are some people just don’t like it and wanna delete it from their view. This is the CSS I wrote on Firefox to set no-disp...