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Beware of Diet Bias! 26 Feb 2012 | 04:47 pm
Since quitting sugar on October 24th, 2011, I’ve adopted a low carbohydrate, moderate protein, and high fat diet. Basically, the Atkins diet. That’s been going really well. Though I’ve lost a lot of ...
High Fat Diet Linked to Breast Cancer? 21 Jan 2011 | 04:40 am
One of the great things about our growing community is how people like Denise Minger have emerged from near obscurity to become recognized leaders in certain areas. When it comes to parsing the scient...
Triathletes try the squatty potty 18 Apr 2012 | 03:35 am
Ben greenfield has just endorsed the squatty potty. Here is his latest blog post. How I Ate A High Fat Diet, Pooped 8 Pounds, And Then Won A Sprint Triathlon. On Friday (three days ago), I posted th...
Eat on a schedule is a best way to avoid weight gain 29 May 2012 | 06:11 am
Weight gain might made in part with eating at an odd eating schedule, instead only by eating too much calories, a new analyse in mice evokes. Mice at the study that were ate a high-fat diet and let t...
So-Called Healthy Vegetable Oils are Risk Factor for Breast Cancer 12 Oct 2010 | 01:38 am
Doctors and nutritionists often cite high fat diets as a risk factor for breast cancer, but more important than the AMOUNT of fat eaten is the TYPE of fat. In particular a component of certain vege...
Australian researchers have found a novel way of helping overweight people drop some kilos – retraining their taste buds by switching to low-fat diet. They have found that eating a high-fat diet can ...
Why You Should Be Eating a High-Fat Diet — Interview with Paul Jaminet 14 Dec 2011 | 11:30 am
Health researcher Paul Jaminet, author of Perfect Health Diet shares what he feels is the preferred macronutrient composition of the human diet with a heavy emphasis on healthy fats. [[ This is a con...
Swiss hotel dalaman 15 Feb 2011 | 12:28 pm
3.18 365 days project photography sequentially developed skills in educational gymnastic activities appropriate to theindividual's abilities (e.g. high fat diet; adequate 8415 vs. Math and sci・・・
Loading days 3 Sep 2011 | 02:32 am
I was looking around the web for some ideas and I came across an interesting post about your loading days. When you read about loading the focus is on a high fat diet for the first two days. While I d...
Fat in food Fails your Weight Loss Program 28 Jul 2011 | 06:44 pm
It would be a tough thing for people to resist high fat diet even they are in weight loss program. People believe they are lack of discipline, not aware that the real reason that causes them keep bin...