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MediaWiki version 1.14.0 release 24 Feb 2009 | 05:05 am
Finally MediaWiki releases version 1.14.0, its 2009 Q1 branch. This release has increased the number of interface text fragments to 311,000 which include 298 languages which quintuples version 1.13.0....
American Idol has Found its Own Rat Pack 29 Apr 2009 | 01:20 pm
This week American Idol is down to its Top 5, the same number of members in the Rat Pack. So it was fitting that we were treated to the sounds of the Rat Pack tonight. Top 5. Photo Courtesy of Ameri...
Florida Motorcycle Injury Attorney Combats Negligent Motorists 14 May 2012 | 04:53 am
While motorcycle riding is a favorite pastime of many Americans, over the past five years statistics have increased the number of motorcycle accidents occurring in the USA each year. Some states are ...
anyoption™ Increases the Number of Underlying Assets on Its Binary Options Trading Platform 19 Sep 2011 | 08:58 am
From 23 to 41 to in just 3 months. That’s the speed in which anyoption™ is increasing the number of underlying assets available on its binary options trading platform. Responding to an increase in dem...
What are backlinks? 12 Feb 2012 | 04:34 am
Backlinks are links from other webpages that are directed towards your website. They are also known as Inbound links. By increasing the number of quality backlinks to your site, you increase its chanc...
What Online Dating Does To You 20 Mar 2012 | 06:33 pm
Websites providing online men dating men services are indeed increasing in number. Back in the old days, joining online dating websites was regarded as a desperate means of finding love. However, toda...
Increase in Number of Tourists in Mozambique 30 May 2012 | 06:28 pm
There has been an increase in the number of foreign tourists visiting Mozambique. Arrivals to the southern African country increased from 1.8 million in 2010 to around two million in 2011. National to...
YouGitize Youtube Views Exchange Program Details 25 Sep 2010 | 05:32 pm
YouGitize is a Manual Youtube Views Exchange program. Our system is designed to help increase your YouTube Video Views, Youtube Video Ratings, Youtube Video Comments by the increasing the number of ...
How to Increase Reps in Your Pull Up Workout 5 Oct 2011 | 01:06 am
The number one factor in increasing the number of reps you can complete in your pull up workout is repetition and consistency. We will discuss some plateau busting techniques below, but nothing is as...
Basics of Small Business Internet Marketing 6 Dec 2010 | 04:33 pm
It is important to know the kind of impact that internet marketing can create to your small business. Web marketing can help to increase the number of customers in your business. This type of marketin...