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Dreamscape Mobile Website Beta Release 27 Jan 2012 | 02:00 pm
The Dreamscape rebranding is almost complete with a new and fresh corporate image, customized font and brand guidelines. We will be launching our new brand and website in the next couple of weeks, but...
About Us 25 Apr 2012 | 01:12 am
UniverSolutions, Inc. is a South Florida business solutions company helping business owners implement cutting edge technology for marketing, software, web interaction, branding and getting Incorporate...
Relationship Between Mobile and Social Media to be Explored at the Illinois Technology Association’s Mobile Visionary Roundtable on May 19, 2010, at 8... 2 Apr 2010 | 01:20 am
Mobile and social media have redefined how we buy, sell and interact. Brands that can adapt and engage using these communication mediums will have a competitive advantage. On May 19, the Mobile Visio...
Chloé just introduced a digital archive celebrating its 60-year heritage, and now Chanel is launching an in-depth look at its own 103-year history online. The newly launched archival site, Inside Chan...
有名企業・大学などのロゴやヴィジュアルを定義したスタイルガイドラインのまとめ | コリス 20 Nov 2012 | 04:46 am
ガイドラインのトータル、59ブランド! 有名企業や大学などのロゴやヴィジュアルを定義したブランドアイデンティティやスタイルガイドラインをLogo Design Loveから紹介します。 以下、アルファベット順で、PDF直リンクは(PDF)です。 Adobe corporate brand guidelines (PDF) Alberta corporate identity Apple Logo ...
Interactive Point of Sale 9 Apr 2013 | 07:53 pm
How could you create a more interactive brand experience in store? Point of Sale is a concept that we’re all familiar with for communicating promotions: stickers, posters, tent cards, ceiling hangers,...
Print Templates - Brand.Guideline GraphicRiver - 3182595 7 Feb 2013 | 01:42 pm
Graphics Files Included: InDesign INDD; Layered?: Yes; Minimum Adobe CS Version: CS3; Print Dimensions: 18x24.
Attention to Instructors – re. Zumba® Classes and Events Branding Guidelines 12 Jun 2013 | 07:37 am
Dear Instructors: Someone asked us if a demo session of another fitness program could be advertised at Zumba® special events or classes. While it is always exciting to try out something new, we were...
Corporate Brand Guideline Examples 11 Jul 2013 | 09:47 am
A brand guide is the backbone to maintaining a companies presence. Also known as a style guide, these specific details allow you to control the appearance of your business using a color palette, type ...
Celebrating the first five years 18 Jul 2013 | 10:34 pm
In 2008 Swisscom launched their new brand into the Swiss market. As their proud creative partner, we shared a film that showcased our process, skipping through the 300 page brand guideline document, b...