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My Favorite Blogs 15 Oct 2011 | 06:20 am
Hi! It’s time for #iDevBlogADay again! Today I want to have a light post, talking about what technical blogs (specifically for iOS development) I follow, and my opinions on them.
Non-Jquery Page Transitions lightweight 14 Dec 2011 | 06:49 am
I am an active developer of mobile websites, and I’m always looking for the most lightweight solutions to any problem, as load times in web apps are so crucial. I always try to avoid jquery mobile for...
Making a Fortune With Mobile Apps… Hopefully 26 May 2012 | 10:18 pm
We have talked at times about the joys, and some of the down times, of mobile app development, the process of putting together an iOS development system and a number of other stories on folks hoping t...
The website specified cannot be reached, Google Developer 5 Feb 2012 | 10:38 pm
Why do you get the following error during Google page speed test? The Only reason so far I had discovered for which Google fails to track your page performance is the high load time of your website. I...
Abdominals At Work 9 Feb 2012 | 02:58 am
Iphone appliation. Objective-C / iOS Development Passive method of isometric contractions. If you spend a lot of time in front of a computer or the television, you can use this method to work your a...
Fixie.js – Automatically add filler content to your templates and themes! 19 May 2012 | 04:28 am
Meandering about the internets this morning I happened upon something so awesome it actually made me come out of hiatus to share with everyone. As a developer, loads of my time when building out a we...
5 Online Tools to Test the Loading Time of your site 2 Oct 2008 | 10:31 pm
As a blogger / developer, it is always fascinating to know the loading time of your website and compare it with others. Of course, the loading time of your website depends on many different factors. I...
Let’s Make Website Faster 4 Apr 2012 | 10:00 am
Monitoring your site’s performance and optimize load times is very important in website development. Google has announced that they are using page speed in their ranking algorithm. Fast sites increase...
What Are The Two Biggest Complaints That Frustrate Newbie iOS Developers? 9 Jan 2013 | 01:08 am
Does this sound familiar? “I would love to do iPhone development but I just don’t have the time to wade through the obtuse and elitist tools required to master iOS programming.” I’ll bet this describe...
The master is hiring: Mobile App Developers ( Fresh & Experienced ) 1 Mar 2013 | 05:12 pm
We are looking for Aspiring and Experienced Android / iOS Developers, both Full Time & Freelance 1) Full Time Apple & Android Apps Developer ( iOS / Android) in Malaysia. Are you looking for a career ...