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Breaking good 17 Jun 2013 | 06:54 pm
Cheating 17 Jan 2013 | 07:08 pm
More iq test flash related news:
Stanford Binet IQ Test 6 May 2012 | 09:10 pm
The Stanford-Binet IQ test perhaps may be dubbed as the grandfather of IQ tests
IQ trung bình của giáo viên 8 Sep 2010 | 09:39 pm
IQ trung bình của giáo viên là 104,2 (SD15) Bài test sử dụng là IQ Test 1 của Viet Nam High IQ society. Số liệu được chúng tôi lấy ngẫu nhiên trong 1 tuần từ ngày 09/08 đến ngày 16/08 năm 2010 của 1...
Nový příspěvek 12 May 2009 | 09:53 pm
IQ Test 21 May 2009 | 12:00 pm
"Unofficial IQ Test". Give it a go..Good Luck!
Checa tu IQ (Test) 24 Dec 2011 | 12:34 am
Este es un test de preguntas para verificar tu nivel de inteligencia... Aquí dejo una imagen de mi test al terminar... Sitio web para realizar el test: http://www.i...
The Google Analytics Qualification and How to Pass 22 May 2012 | 07:38 am
As you can see from the oversized badge on the right, yesterday I passed the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ) test. Huzzah! If you use the software on a regular basis, it’s probably not ...
ujian kecerdasan minda di kmc 21 Dec 2008 | 09:37 pm
sepanjang cuti sekolah ini, saya menerima banyak permintaan dan pertanyaan mengenai ujian kecerdasan minda atau iq test yang dijalankan di kmc. secara umumnya , ujian ini dijalankan ke atas kanak-kana...
Marksmanship (Military) 15 May 2012 | 01:23 am
An Old Research Project By The US Army Before the Second World War, the US Army was trying to be more intelligent about its operations. The Army started using IQ testing to determine into which train...
الذكاء المتعدد مع برنامج اختبار ذكاء IQ test بالعربية 30 May 2010 | 12:10 pm
الموضوع مصحوب ببرنامج اختبار ذكاء باللغة العربية مصمم بالفلاش. ما هو الذكاء المتعدد؟ الذكاءات لا تُرى ولا تُعد بل هي استعدادات ( عصبية ) قد تستثمر وقد لا تستثمر بناءاً على قيم ثقافة معينة وفرص هذه ا...
IQ-Test – Wissenstest für die ganze Familie 24 Aug 2011 | 02:21 am
Bei einem IQ-Test wird zwischen dem allgemeinen und dem speziellen unterschieden. Ersterer so genannter Intelligenz Struktur Test – kurz IST – beinhaltet neun Aufgabengruppen, in denen es insgesamt 17...