Most ive related news are at:

アニメ「凪のあすから」OP曲をI'veが担当、ボーカルはRay 27 Aug 2013 | 05:42 pm
10月から放送開始予定のアニメ「凪のあすから」のオープニング曲を、I'veが制作することが決定しました。 ボーカルは既に発表されていましたが、Rayが引き続き担当。 この曲を収録したRayの4thシングル「lull ~そして僕らは~」は10/30(水) に発売予定になっています。 lull ~そして僕らは~ 作詞 川田まみ 作曲 中沢伴行 編曲 中沢伴行・尾崎武士 歌 Ray
アニメ「東京レイヴンズ」OP/EDにI've Sound 26 Aug 2013 | 05:54 pm
10月から放送開始されるTVアニメ「東京レイヴンズ」のオープニング・エンディングをI'veが担当することが決定しました。 ボーカルはOPに黒崎真音、EDにfripSideの南條愛乃が起用されます。 【オープニング曲】X-encounter…11/06(水) 発売 X-encounter 作詞 (未発表) 作曲 高瀬一矢 編曲 高瀬一矢 歌 黒崎真音 【エンディング曲】君が笑...
More ive related news:
Indonesia 13 Oct 2011 | 03:26 pm
Ive been in Indonesia since the first of this month visiting family and friends and i'm having such a breezy time. The food is insane cheap so for some reason my mind has been telling me the cheap it... 23 Sep 2011 | 02:09 pm
I know my posts have been even more lackluster than normal but Ive been super busy with holiday arrangements and work. Asos is having a 20% off sale today!
OKAY so Ive had the urge to find people from the old server googlems I had some good times there I HAD NO IDEA YOU MADE A SERVER Cindy?!?!??! sadly I missed it by like a year or 2 but if your here or ...
teamspeak upgrade 16 May 2012 | 09:32 am
hello ive been with defconservers for 2yrs with mohawk and upgraded to teamspeak3.. ive had nothing but problems with it and im getting nowhere with tech support.. im begging please fix the permission...
What Do You Regret? 21 Mar 2012 | 08:01 am
Ashley here! Have you ever regretted saying to your ex? Here’s a recent email I got from Amy: Hi Ashley, I don’t know if you got my last email but Ive told my ex I’m moving on (when I’m not) to try...
New theme on effutio 6 Dec 2011 | 02:39 pm
Well Ive been working on a new theme for the blog and although still in beta, I thought Id roll it out live and give it a whirl. Still got loads to do to it but very happy with it so far. Clean and si...
Ive Learned To Walk Alone - Joanna Zimmer 24 Feb 2011 | 02:13 am
Now that your friends are leavin' And I as to look into my eyes You try in vain to stop from shaking ............
tomorrow... 4 May 2007 | 02:46 pm
im going to write about music not like bryce does not like kyle does but like i do when ive been on the wagon for 4 days and my head is clear and i realize that i have been shoving it in my ears for ...
Im not changing the skin again 19 Jul 2009 | 03:08 am
Ive changed it too many times, you either pick one you want at or shut up and live with it because your not helping by simply crying out that the skin sucks. How to use
ahhhhhhhh. 21 May 2011 | 12:17 pm
ive diagnosed myself with post graduation stress syndrome. it’s a certain disorder in which your brain poops out. yesterday I sat at the temple waiting for the bride and groom to make their exit. i s...