Most java jdk for mac related news are at:

The Seven Cardinal Rules of the 80/20 Sales Pro 20 Aug 2013 | 05:36 pm
From Perry Marshall’s new book, “80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More“: No cold calling. Ever. You should attempt to sell only to warm leads. Before you tr...
Disengaging Hermit Mode 9 Aug 2013 | 11:19 pm
It’s been too long since I posted here, and I wanted to bring you up to date on what’s going on with me, and turn you on to some cool marketing stuffs. Grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and let’s go! Bu...
More java jdk for mac related news:
Instalação do JDK (Linux) 22 Mar 2012 | 12:52 pm
Para instalar o Java JDK no Linux, deveremos abrir o terminal e através do apt-get instalar o pacote Java jdk. Read more →
Unpatched java vulnerability on Mac soon to be fixed 11 Apr 2012 | 12:51 pm
It’s been quite a while that Apple has been a dominant player in the technology sector, yet until now there has not been a real challenge to their otherwise clean, and efficient OSX system. This late...
PhoneGap in Android(Eclipse) 8 Jul 2010 | 11:19 pm
Prerequisites for System - 1.Java JDK 1.6 2.Eclipse 3.Android sdk package 4.ADT Plug-in for Eclipse with required Android sdk components. 5.Download and unzip Apache ANT and add it to your PATH(i...
Installing Saxon-HE 9.3 manually on Lucid Lynx 13 Jul 2011 | 06:38 am
Because Ubuntu didn't see my manual installation of the Oracle Java JDK as a valid Java alternative I couldn't install Saxon-B using apt-get install. Instead of trying to find a solution to this issue...
Manual installation of Oracle Java JDK on Ubuntu 13 Jul 2011 | 12:56 am
In the evening I installed the Oracle Java JDK on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. Since Oracle Java is no longer available via the default repositories I decided to manually install Java instead of adding a reposi...
PhoneGap in Android(Eclipse) 8 Jul 2010 | 07:19 pm
Prerequisites for System - 1.Java JDK 1.6 2.Eclipse 3.Android sdk package 4.ADT Plug-in for Eclipse with required Android sdk components. 5.Download and unzip Apache ANT and add it to your PATH(if ecl...
How to use the Youtube-API in Java [Mac OSx] 25 Aug 2012 | 06:04 pm
A quick example how to use the Youtube-API in Java on a Mac. This code will get the youtube-feed with the most popular videos and will print detailed information about each video. Start eclipse and cr...
Download Java JDK 7 Update 7 2 Oct 2012 | 05:39 pm
Software Bagus ~ Masih lanjutannya tentang postingan tentang Netbeans. kali ini saya akan share JDKnya .. JDK ini adalah Mesinya program JAVA. Untuk itu sebelum kita menginstall software JAVA seperti ...
ubuntu10.10下安装jdk7+Tomcat 7 4 Mar 2013 | 12:12 pm
Ubuntu 10.10下安装配置JDK7 第一步:下载jdk-7-linux-i586.tar.gz wget -c (...
How to switch different Java JDK 7 in Ubuntu? 28 Jun 2013 | 11:43 am
1. Download and Install the JDK 2. Now move the JDK 7 directory to /usr/lib 3. Set up JDK 7 4. Correct the file ownership and the permissions of the executables: 5. Select different JDK path. 6. ...