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An improved 2012-2013 season with a happier ending 18 Apr 2013 | 04:21 am
A season wrap-up was promised and has not been delivered until now. All I can do is blame it on tax time which is only somewhat true. Winter continues to only slowly relinquish its grip on New England...
Winter retreating but ready for a finale during the first week of April 29 Mar 2013 | 07:17 pm
Spring has been creeping its way into northern New England. Even the high elevations have seen extended stretches of above freezing temperatures during the day time in spite of some new snow. The UVM ...
More josh fox related news:
Weekly Mulch: Why Natural Gas Companies Fear Josh Fox, Gasland, and the Oscars 2 Mar 2011 | 05:10 am
by Sarah Laskow, Media Consortium blogger The natural gas industry is afraid that Josh Fox, director of the muckraking film Gasland, might win an Oscar on Sunday. Earlier this month, an organization ...
DON’T FRACK NEW YORK: Dangers of Hydraulic Fracturing 9 Jan 2012 | 08:43 pm
Josh Fox‘s new movie vividly dramatizes the dangers of Hydraulic Fracturing. The other month I saw a screening of the movie in upstate New York – at once ground central for proposed Gas and New York’s...
The Daily Show 2013.06.26 Josh Fox 27 Jun 2013 | 11:28 am
“); //–> Josh Fox Air date:6/26/2013 Streaming Links:
Gasland, film de Josh Fox sur Arte le 9 juillet 2013 9 Jul 2013 | 12:39 pm
« Gasland » est un film de Josh Fox réalisé en 2010 (107 mn), avec Dick Cheney, Pete Seeger, Richard Nixon. Il sera diffusé mardi 9 juillet 2013 sur Arte à 20 h 50, et il ne faut pas le rater : il a o...
Rise Of The Anti-Recruiters 27 Aug 2013 | 07:31 am
Guest author Josh Fox helped create FiveYearItch, which aims to help developers find better jobs. Like gnats at a picnic, recruiters are swarming around the miserable software developer. Irrelevant s...
GasLand – Donde el agua se prende fuego 26 Aug 2013 | 06:12 am
Un día, el director de cine estadounidense Josh Fox recibió una carta en la que una compañía energética le ofrecía arrendar parte de un terreno de su propiedad en el que se encontraba un importante ya...
Josh Fox’s ‘Gasland’ Sequel Opens, a Tour Through a Land of Abandoned Homes and Broken Promises 26 Apr 2013 | 01:55 am
Gasland Part II contends that an industry should not be allowed to break what it cannot fix. Credit: Gasland Part II April 22, 2013 | This article was published in partnership with GlobalPossibilitie...
Gasland Part II Screening in Beacon 26 Aug 2013 | 11:00 pm
Join Riverkeeper and Zero to Go for a film screening and discussion of Gasland II, the new fracking documentary by Josh Fox. The Oscar-nominated Gasland has been highly influential in the debate on f...
Gasland 8 Jul 2013 | 08:31 pm
Dienstag, 09. Juli 2013 20.15 – 22.00 arte USA, 2010, ARTE F, Regie: Josh Fox. Nach Tiefenbohrungen wird Wasser, zumeist vermischt mit Quarzsand, in das Gestein gepresst. Die entstehenden Risse werd...
Josh Fox en France ... et Ardèche 26 Aug 2013 | 07:42 pm
JOSH FOX EN ARDECHE Josh Fox en Ardèche Le 06 septembre 2013 à Villeneuve de Berg à 20h30 à la salle polyvalente Le film Gasland a été pour les collectifs français un outil majeur pour la sensibil...