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送钞票-自己失误还是同行捣乱? 20 Aug 2013 | 01:28 pm

本月20日我们签了一个山东客户,买了我们一台板框压力式滤油机,当时我们有台现货,本来就打算用这台发给山东客户的,但是没想到就在发货前我们公司此前的一个大客户(央企的直属公司)打来电话也说要一台,哪会这么巧,流量、型号都一样,还说要的急,货款马上就可以打过来,综合了一下,我们就把这台板框滤油机发给老客户去了,所以山东客户就没了。没办法,我们只能给客户 ...

在丽江的日子-送钞票 20 Aug 2013 | 07:39 am

 “大叔”刚刚还在我怀里陪我,现在也跑自己窝里去睡了。它很小,却恋家,出门在外,它夜夜吠叫两三次惹我怒气,就是不肯乖乖睡去,但一回家中,安静乖巧的让我愧疚,我不该带着它东奔西跑,混迹酒吧,溜达二街。 从小让它在美人儿堆里打滚,日后找不到如意的老婆怎么是好? 我也从来没带它去看它的兄弟姐妹,让它一直一个人,我看不懂它喜怒,只知它恋家。我却是个喜欢四处游荡的人,行无定居,居无定所,它跟着我到底是好是...

More jquery option text related news:

jQuery - contains selector 22 Sep 2010 | 01:19 pm

contains selector thường được dùng để tìm kiếm những HTML DOM có chứa chuỗi cần tìm(có phân biệt chữ hoa, chữ thường). Cách thức sử dụng như sau: jQuery(":contains('text')"): trả ra danh sách tất cả...

wInput :: A jQuery Input Text and Textarea Plugin 6 Jul 2013 | 02:50 pm

This is a simple plugin for text boxes and textarea inputs that gives us clean looking text boxes and takes care of backwards compatibility for placeholder attributes. Perhaps the main reason to use i...

Jquery如何操作select下拉框(取值,设置选中) 15 Aug 2013 | 11:49 am

每一次操作select的时候,总是要出来翻一下资料,不如自己总结一下,以后就翻这里了。 比如 1、设置value为pxx的项选中 $(“.selector”).val(“pxx”); 2、设置text为pxx的项选中 $(“.selector”).find(“option[text='pxx']“).attr(“selected”,true); 这里有一个中括号的用法,中括号里的等号的...

Updated: EditPad Pro 7.3.0 26 Jul 2013 | 04:00 pm

EditPad Pro 7.3.0 is now available for download. Via Options|Text Layout you can select and edit a text layout for editing complex scripts. Complex scripts are scripts that are not written exclusivel...

Updated: EditPad Lite 7.3.0 26 Jul 2013 | 02:00 pm

EditPad Lite 7.3.0 is now available for download. Via Options|Text Layout you can select and edit a text layout for editing complex scripts. Complex scripts are scripts that are not written exclusive...

Updated: EditPad Pro 7.3.0 26 Jul 2013 | 04:00 pm

EditPad Pro 7.3.0 is now available for download. Via Options|Text Layout you can select and edit a text layout for editing complex scripts. Complex scripts are scripts that are not written exclusivel...

Updated: EditPad Lite 7.3.0 26 Jul 2013 | 02:00 pm

EditPad Lite 7.3.0 is now available for download. Via Options|Text Layout you can select and edit a text layout for editing complex scripts. Complex scripts are scripts that are not written exclusive...

jQuery add Text to End of DIV or jQuery Append Text to DIV 29 Jul 2013 | 11:58 pm

Introduction: Here I will explain how to add text to end of div in jQuery or append text content to div in jQuery or add content to end of div in jQuery. Description: In previous articles I expla.....

Paid directory 6 Mar 2012 | 01:07 am

Quality general website directory, optimized to be as seo friendly as possible. Featured and regular paid options available. Visit our general directory for free text links. Submit your website to our...

Great jQuery text silhouette animation 18 Oct 2010 | 09:23 pm

Going over some jQuery plugins today I came across this effect in a banner on this site that I thought was pretty cool. Btw, the plugin on that page is quite nice and will be even better after a few m...

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