Most kathy sierra related news are at:

My Favorite Graphs... and the future 7 Apr 2007 | 07:00 am
This blog has always been about optimism, creating better user experiences, helping users spend more time in flow, and learning. There are 405 posts here. More importantly, there are nearly 10,000 com...
Death threats against bloggers are NOT "protected speech" (why I cancelled my ETech presentations) 7 Apr 2007 | 06:59 am
Update: I could not bear to leave this post up on the site, as one of the last things people will see and remember about this blog -- and especially with that horrible photo. So, I have moved the post...
More kathy sierra related news:
Insight and Action 19 Jun 2008 | 03:16 am
Today's bit of Marketing, Customer Experience, Design & Product Development advice comes from the archives of Kathy Sierra's blog: "Your job is to anticipate... To give them what they want and/or wha...
Hostages, Users, Evangelists and Experts 2 Jul 2011 | 03:36 am
I have never really been a user of Facebook or Linkedin, but more of a Hostage. I didn’t use them because they made me feel warm inside or helped me kick ass (as Kathy Sierra would say), I used them b...
Kathy Sierra – Building the Minimum Badass User 26 Nov 2012 | 11:51 pm
This is a summary of Kathy Sierra’s Business of Software 2012 presentation. Getting Customers It starts with “I’m going to start a startup.” Then your friend tells you you need to get funding first. “...
Index of the 2012 Presentations 4 Dec 2012 | 09:01 am
Index to the summaries of the Business of Software 2012 presentations. Kathy Sierra – Building the Minimum Badass User Jason Cohen – How data, statistics and numbers will make you do the wrong thing J...
Designing for badass 7 May 2013 | 06:13 pm
¿Qué harías si te quedase una hora de vida? Yo probablemente cogería a mi hijo en brazos y me sentaría a paladear con él este video de Kathy Sierra de la última BusinessOfSoftware. De nuevo. Por enési...
The Minimum Badass User for Product Development 5 Jul 2013 | 02:32 pm
[field name = iframe] This Video is from 2012, but I want to recommend this, especially for you who wants to create GREAT PRODUCT. Kathy Sierra gives brilliant advice, although i had learnt some of he...
Kathy Sierra is back at Business of Software Conference 2013. New speakers. Some potentially life-changing advice. 18 Jul 2013 | 04:38 pm
Three more great speakers confirmed for Business of Software Conference (28-30th October 2013). We hope you will be as excited as us about the new additions… First and second, Bob Moesta and Chris Sp...
Ego Depletion 7 Aug 2013 | 02:28 am
Kathy Sierra:1 If our work drains a user’s cognitive resources, what does he lose? What else could he have done with those scarce, precious, easily-depleted resources? Maybe he’s trying to stick with...
Clayton Christensen and Kathy Sierra at Business of Software 17 Aug 2013 | 03:20 pm
Just discovered this conference over the summer. It is happening in Boston in early October and for the unlucky ones being on that side of the pond and not being able to attend European Lean IT Summit...
How to Get Free Speaker Training with Kathy Sierra 7 May 2013 | 11:55 pm
This post was written by Sarah Milstein, co-host of The Lean Startup Conference. We are downright thrilled to announce that Kathy Sierra, one of our all-time favorite speakers and teachers, has offer...