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¿Cómo puedo ser machista? ¡Sí soy comunista! 16 Aug 2013 | 08:27 pm
Por @Obrera_liberal y @Kobaml Me quedé atónito la primera vez que una feminista me llamó machista. Entonces pensaba que el mero hecho de llevar la bandera con la hoz y el martillo a las manifestacion...
More kim jong il citas related news:
Technical News - 19 Dec 2011 20 Dec 2011 | 06:37 am
5 Leadership Lessons From Tim Tebow's Game-Time Audio December 18, 2011 Guest post written by Kevin Kruse North Korean leader Kim Jong-il dead, son hailed as heir December 18, 2011 SEOUL (Reuters) ...
Assorted musings from an inebriated Kim Jong Il 28 Apr 2010 | 06:16 pm
I was born on a holy mountain With a comet in the twilight sky And a rainbow shining out my ass I shit only diamonds And the KGB uses my piss As a truth agent. I won a gold medal in ejaculation And ...
Kim Jong Il's Death;Korean Won;Market Correction? (Part 2) 20 Dec 2011 | 09:13 pm
Working Day 2 of Kim's death. I was curious to see how else the market would react. Amazingly, the market corrected to post Kim's death rates! At this rate (pun indeed), I am definitely going to follo...
Kim Jong Il's Death; Korean Won; Structural Breaks 19 Dec 2011 | 09:37 pm
A picture paints a thousand words, but let me add a few other captions. Kim Jong Il died on Saturday, 17th December, 2011. On Monday, 19th December, 2011, this was the exchange rate between Singapore/...
I Really, Really Want My Own Baby Kim Jong Il 19 Dec 2011 | 10:27 pm
I’ve already mentioned elsewhere that I have a strange fascination with despotic dictator Kim Jong Il’s fuzzy hair. This was why it made me so happy to find a photo of a baby that looks like his mini...
Korea stands strong: Kim Jong-Il in context 23 Dec 2011 | 02:06 am
Millions mourn Kim Jong-Il The following is from Fight Back! News: The morning of Dec. 19 started like a normal Monday for the Korean staff at the Hae Dang Hwa restaurant in Beijing. The greeting st...
Kim John Il’s UK Wildlife Calendar 21 Dec 2010 | 11:03 am
Allow me to share with you what I made for my friends’ Secret Santa…. Kim Jong Il’s UK Wildlife Calendar… Enjoy…(order went a bit weird at the end, but you get the idea…)
The Literary Ideas of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il 16 Nov 2010 | 10:14 am
An Introduction to North Korean Meta-Authorial Perspectives By Alzo David-West Kim Il Sung’s Duties of Literature and Arts in Our Revolution (1972) and Kim Jong Il’s On the Art of the Cinema (1973) a...
EXCERPT: "Former President Jimmy Carter has sent North Korea a message of condolence over the death of Kim Jong-il and wished "every success" to the man expected to take over as dictator, according to...
Victor Muller nieuwe leider Noord-Korea 21 Dec 2011 | 11:21 am
"Hemelse Leider" Victor Muller zwaait naar zijn onderdanen Pyongyang Een dag nadat bekend werd dat de Noord-Koreaanse leider Kim Jong-il is overleden, heeft de Nationale Defensiecommissie, het hoogs...