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Higher Incidence of ACL Tears in Women than Men 21 Nov 2012 | 03:07 am
Research has shown that women have a higher incidence of ACL tears than men. There are many different factors that play a role: bone anatomy, hormones, decreased hamstring strength, and smaller cross-...
5 Tips to Reduce Injuries From Computer Sitting 21 Nov 2012 | 03:03 am
Sitting at your computer in the office with poor posture for long hours can injure spinal ligaments, muscles and vertebral discs that support the spine. These 5 ergonomic and work-friendly tips can he...
More kinesiology tape news related news:
Fizjoterapia kursy, Kursy dla fizjoterapeutów,Fizjoterapia 26 Oct 2010 | 10:26 pm
Terapia Punktów Spustowych 16-17 czerwiec 2012, RZESZÓW Masaż Tkanek Głębokich 22-24 czerwiec 2012, RZESZÓW Kinesiology Taping podstawowy 30 czerwiec 2012, RZESZÓW . . Funkcj...
NEU *** ARES - Kinesiology Tape *** Superqualität! EINZELROLLEN 25 Jul 2012 | 05:12 pm
NEU *** ARES - Kinesiology Tape *** Superqualität! EINZELROLLEN Kategorie: Business & Industrie > Medizin & Labor > Physiotherapie, Reha & Pflege > Physiotherapiegeräte *** NEU *** NEU ***NEU *** NE...
Kinesiology Taping: Soothing Your Pregnancy Pains 28 Mar 2013 | 05:35 am
By Elizabeth Polis, PT, DPT Core Wellness & Physical Therapy My physical therapy practice is full of mothers-to-be with similar complaints—leg and back aches, swelling, sciatica—and other painful iss...
Kinesiology Taping: Soothing Your Pregnancy Pains 28 Mar 2013 | 05:35 am
By Elizabeth Polis, PT, DPT Core Wellness & Physical Therapy My physical therapy practice is full of mothers-to-be with similar complaints—leg and back aches, swelling, sciatica—and other painful iss...
Kinesiology Tape – A Quick Relief Option To Athletic Joint Pain & Injuries 12 Aug 2012 | 12:14 pm
Kinesiology tape is a common name for elastic therapeutic tape produced in the form of acrylic adhesive-enabled cotton strip used in the treatment of sports injuries as well as treating many other jo...
Kinesiology tape for Athletes 7 Aug 2013 | 09:17 pm
You may have seen athletes wearing colorful strips of tape on their bodies recently and are wondering what exactly it is. This is a type of athletic tape also referred to as kinesiology tape or physio...
SpiderTech Joins Mission Makeover™ for 3-Part Mini-Series on The Balancing Act® on Lifetime TV 29 Jul 2013 | 08:50 pm
A representative from SpiderTech Inc. will join the Mission Makeover™ series to explain how their non-medicated kinesiology tape lets a person continue their physical activities without being deterred...
RockTape 2" Kinesiology Tape (Free Shipping) 3 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
Free Shipping option for Ground shipments in the continental US onlyROCKTAPE's Active-Recovery (AR) series of tapes are designed to enhance performance and recovery. Unlike regular compression garmen...
SPORTTAPE - plastry kinesiology taping 6 Aug 2013 | 02:54 pm
SPORTTAPE zostały zaprojektowane w Wielkiej Brytanii, a wytwarzane w fabryce z ponad 10 letnim doświadczeniem.Taśma kinesiology tape używane są przez ...
KINSEO Physiotape von Gatapex für Kinesiology Taping 8,99 € 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Dieses Tape besitzt eine Elastizität von über 80% und kann den Bewegungen an Rücken, Knie oder Ellenbogen problemlos ohne zu behindern folgen! Es ist in Längsrichtung dehnbar, ähnlich der Dehnbarkeit...