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Do Canadian fans feel Canadian-born players who play(ed) for the US are traitors? 27 Aug 2013 | 03:24 pm
Quote: Originally Posted by Novak Djokovic (Post 70549731) They became hockey players in Canada, so I consider them Canadians. That said, most of Brett Hull's development, took place in the U.S. to...
The forgotten Yeti. 27 Aug 2013 | 03:24 pm
I am hoping for a 15 goal-15 assist season from everyone on the third line. That might be too much to ask for but Kelly has done that most seasons, Soderberg is more offensively talented and whoever t...
More la kings forums related news:
Hockey: NHL Betting – Stanley Cup Final 29 May 2012 | 03:52 pm
NHL betting sees the LA Kings go head-to-head with the New Jersey Devils in the Stanley Cup Final. The Kings travel to play the Devils in game 1 on May 30th as the 1.855 road favourites, while the hos...
LA Kings’ Darryl Sutter a ultimate players coach 30 May 2012 | 04:51 pm
Video: Darryl Sutter Kings manager Darryl Sutter gets a many out of his infantry in a Stanley Cup playoffs NEWARK, N.J.—When Los Angeles Kings manager Darryl Sutter speaks, he’s infrequently tough t...
All types of food recipes,...,., 28 Apr 2011 | 10:44 pm
Blog Tutorial BEEF TERIYAKI Skillet Macaroni and Beef Braised Short Ribs Sesame Fried Chicken Roast loin of pork Curried Corn Soup Fish A La King Pork Chop Broiled Scampi Curried Scallo...
Forum disponible sur Smartphone 28 Feb 2011 | 04:37 pm
Depuis quelques jours, ForumActif, notre hebergeur, permet la consultationdue forum directement via un smartphone, en version Beta. Cette nouveauté ne permet pour l'instant qu'une consultation en sim...
Regras! 4 Jun 2011 | 10:17 am
Bem já temos muitos membros. E pelos vistos estes, não lêem as regras do fórum. Vamos lá recapitular. Forum Português dos Tokio Hotel: Pois =/, tal como diz o titulo, este fórum é o fórum PORTUGUÊ...
369. Shashlik 9 Jan 2011 | 06:07 pm
Chicken A La King @$19 Foodies gathering at Shaslik. It was located Far East Shopping Centre and the thought of it being there gave me the feeling that it is old. Heavy wooden doors but there were th...
Sugestões, Reclamações, Coisas sobre o forum, qualquer coisa 2 Sep 2010 | 08:48 am
O pessoal que quer reclamar, sugerir, etc e não pode lá no fórum, manda brasa
Summer and Spring 23 Jun 2011 | 01:24 pm
Aqui no Brasil o inverno acabou de chegar, mas lá no Fórum Ponto de Cruz - A arte que eu amo, ainda tem primavera e verão. Olhe que mimos lindos.... A romântica primavera. O divertido verão. E a mi...
Le forum vient de fêter ses 3 années d'existance, toujours plus visité de jours en jours malgrès la déscente du club, ce forum reste un endroit convivial, ou l'on retrouve les principales personnes ac...
Fiesta sobre ruedas! 4 Jun 2011 | 04:44 am
El fin de semana del 18 y 19 de junio vuelve la fiesta de la Bici y de los Patines. Se instalará en la el Fórum con un abanico de actividades amplio y para todos los públicos que podrás disfrutar el s...