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Zacky Vengeance fala com Lehigh Valley Live sobre Hail To The King e mais 13 Aug 2013 | 07:17 pm
Zacky Vengeance falou a Lehigh Valley The Morning Call sobre dar o próximo passo com “Hail To The King”, a pressão de fazer “Nightmare” depois de perder Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan, tocar para as tropas ...
Becoming American in the 21st Century 27 Oct 2011 | 09:04 am
Over the past 10 years, Hispanic immigrants have settled far beyond the obvious gateway states, making their homes in places like Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley. Theirs is a story of identity, demograph...
Wanna learn about the newari culture……. 8 Oct 2011 | 02:08 am
Newars of the valley LIving goddess kumari Newars, who used to be almost the entire population of Kathmandu Valley before the invasion of the Shah dynasty in 1968, ar...
Sixth Annual Lehigh Valley Knife Show 25 Jan 2012 | 02:36 pm
SIXTH ANNUAL LEHIGH VALLEY KNIFE SHOW - EASTON, PA Saturday & Sunday, September 29 & 30, 2012 Show hours: Saturday: 9 AM to 5 PM; Sunday: 9 AM to 3 PM Buy, sell, and display knives: New, ant...
Family Fun in PA: The Lehigh Valley 3 Sep 2009 | 06:16 pm
Continuing in our tradition of touring the state of Pennsylvania this summer, my kids, my mom and I got to spend 3 days, 2 nights in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania, which is North of Philadelp...
Hot Paws 10 Jun 2011 | 08:14 am
It looks like we just had our first heat wave here in the Lehigh Valley, but heat or no heat, chances are your dog still needs to get out for a walk. One commonly overlooked aspect of summer dog walk...
Sen. Toomey Visits The Lehigh Valley [hot_topic] 15 May 2012 | 09:15 am
Wendy 6 Feb 2011 | 06:26 pm
Unknown to March 28, 2008 We adopted Wendy from Animals In Distress on August 23rd, 2007. She had been picked up as a stray along Route 309, a very busy highway in the Lehigh Valley, PA area. She wa...
Crocodile Rock Cafe 12 Nov 2009 | 07:04 am
>> Articles Anywhere >>> --> Lehigh Valley's LARGEST Rock & Roll Multiplex Club! The Crocodile Rock Cafe is more than just a standard band venue, .... or a night club, .... or a bar, It's ALL of THE...
Ocean Spray Breaks Ground in Pennsylvania 20 Apr 2012 | 05:24 am
Story Video Video Still: Cranberry cooperative and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania celebrate the beginning of construction on state-of-the-art beverage facility in Lehigh Valley, bringing 165 jobs to ....