Most liszt thought of chopin related news are at:

Salzburg Festival (6) – Schubert: Schade/Buchbinder, 24 August 2013 27 Aug 2013 | 12:35 pm
Haus für Mozart Die schöne Müllerin Michael Schade (tenor) Rudolf Buchbinder (piano) Michael Schade’s tenor, especially at this stage in his career, would have to be reckoned something of...
Salzburg Festival (5) - Grigory Sokolov: Schubert and Beethoven, 23 August 2013 24 Aug 2013 | 01:02 pm
Grosses Festspielhaus Schubert – Four Impromptus, D 899 Schubert – Three Piano Pieces, D 946 Beethoven – Piano Sonata no.29 in B-flat major, op.106, ‘Hammerklavier’ Grigory Sokolov is truly one...
More liszt thought of chopin related news:
Wilhelm Walter Friedrich Kempff – One of the Best 20th Century German Pianist and Composor 21 Aug 2011 | 07:30 pm
Wilhelm Walter Friedrich Kempff was born on 25 November 1895 and deceased on 23 May 1991 was a great German pianist and composer. Although his repertory included Bach, Liszt, Chopin, Schumann, and......
Have you heard about the musician who leaves a message for his... 2 Sep 2012 | 09:48 pm
Have you heard about the musician who leaves a message for his wife: Gone Chopin, [have Liszt], Bach in a Minuet. What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft? A flat minor. What do you ...
Sonata en si menor 19 Mar 2013 | 03:23 am
Els pianos ho són tot. Franz Liszt, Chopin, el rierol. Tot el que neix. El túnel és on sóc des que has marxat. Pianos en forma de túnel, d’estius sense parlar amb ningú. Només agafar l’autobús per ana...
Boku no Chopin Meikyoku Shu & Drama CD Series Vol.2 Liszt (日本語タイトル: 僕のショパン 名曲集&ドラマCDシリーズ #2 リスト/ ドラマCD) Volume 2 14 Jun 2013 | 12:00 pm
Volume 2 - [DOWNLOAD]
Claude Debussy’nin “Piyano Etütleri”ndeki müzik dili ve yorumu üzerine… Melin Molla (*) 12 Aug 2013 | 02:49 am
Fransız besteci ve piyanist Claude Debussy’nin (1862-1918) “Piyano Etütleri” birer alıştırmadan öte, zengin ve çok orijinal birer müzik parçalarıdır. Bu etütler günümüzde, Liszt, Chopin, Scriabin ve R...