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Transmisja Live Żywiec Męskie Granie 2 Aug 2012 | 10:47 pm
Już w najbliższą sobotę 4 czerwca o godzinie 18 zapraszamy na transmisję Live z Poznania z koncertu Żywiec Męskie Granie. [...]
Polacy wydmuchali rekord Guinnessa. 14 Jun 2012 | 05:46 pm
Akcję “Z Wirtuala do Reala” trwającą od 20 maja do 8 czerwca która była próbą pobicia rekordu Guinnessa na największą [...]
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Golden Lime, Turquoise, Black and Teal Makeup Look 22 Jun 2013 | 05:21 am
This look was from a couple weeks ago. Luckily I kept the shadows out that I used for this so I can list what they are. Although they are no longer available. :-( This look was created using eyeshado...
A new look Event Calendar? 31 Oct 2008 | 08:00 am
The current design of EventCalendar is very simple. That’s intentional - it was always my idea that a simple design would allow users to write their own CSS to make it look snazzy. There are those wh...
Brighter Larger Looking Eyes - Makeup Tutorial 15 Jun 2010 | 04:46 am
As requested, a makeup tutorial on making the eyes appear Larger and Brighter. This is a great trick to use when you pulled an all nighter and want to avoid looking tired.
Shayne Ward Look-A-Like 26 Aug 2010 | 08:23 am
Shayne Ward is an English pop singer who is known for his rise to fame after appearing on the television show The X Factor. How would you rate this Shayne Ward look a like?
Looking Back, Looking Ahead 8 Jan 2012 | 03:18 am
I was happy to participate in the premier issue of Contract Pharma by writing a column assessing the growth prospects for the pharmaceutical outsourcing industry. Following a robust period of expansio...
Look Left, Look Right. Look Up, Look Down. 21 Jul 2011 | 01:18 am
Camera. Lake. Shooting session. Hazy sky. Dull. Hmmm ... Diversion. Better. Not enough. Joe's advice. I remembered. Another thought ... And other thoughts. Look left. Look right. Ahh ... ....
The Makeover to Look Authoritative 12 Mar 2012 | 06:59 pm
Are you looking for a good way to prove to your superiors that you are ready for that new position they are offering? You might already have the skills and experience to qualify, but if you look as th...
Social Monitoring: Facebook + Bing + Looking Glass = ?? 22 Oct 2009 | 08:54 am
Ok, maybe I just read the blog posts in my RSS in the wrong order but I think there might be something to this. First, I read about Microsoft’s new program, “Looking Glass” that’s a social media moni...
Standing Up After A Knockout 16 May 2012 | 06:51 pm
by Lindy Tefft You look in the mirror and you just can’t stand what you see. So you avoid the mirror and take showers with dim lights because it is just too painful to not look the way you really wa...
Save More Money on Great Clips Coupons 10 Dec 2011 | 10:08 pm
Today everybody wants to look smart. But if you have long hair then it will have an adverse effect on your personality. So if you want to have a great haircut which will help you in your smart looks, ...