Most manga age regression related news are at:

Upcoming Comics 25 Aug 2013 | 05:40 am
Mom shows off her “ripped cloth bikini”. The forecast for the near future is more Yard Work plus the second part of Puberty Fairies, which should be out around the start of September. There are also ...
Yard Work Part Three 1 Aug 2013 | 10:54 am
35 pages, Color, US$9.99 Female Growth, Shrinking Men Artwork by Sedna Studio Part Three of a five part series that explores – in minute detail – what happens as a big older brother shrinks while hi...
More manga age regression related news:
The Puberty Fairies Part One 1 Jul 2013 | 07:44 pm
45 pages, Color, US$11.99 Age Regression, Age Progression Artwork by PalComix The Puberty Fairies is a Betsy and Lauren story with art by Palcomix. The story features Dewey and Daffy, two magical fa...
The Puberty Fairies Part One 1 Jul 2013 | 07:44 pm
45 pages, Color, US$11.99 Age Regression, Age Progression Artwork by PalComix The Puberty Fairies is a Betsy and Lauren story with art by Palcomix. The story features Dewey and Daffy, two magical fa...
Happy Birthday Doraemon 4 Sep 2011 | 03:04 am
Let's celebrate a birthday in the famous cartoon characters and lovely world. Doraemon is a Japanese manga by Fujiko Fujio author was composed in 1969 from the original purpose for the children's age...
présentation de xx-petite-nami-xx 24 Jun 2010 | 03:22 am
Bon voila une petite présentation de moi : prénom:***** passions : c'est évident : les mangas et surtout one piece ! mais j'aime aussi l'archéologie. age : pour le moment 13 ans les mangas que j'a...
Juishiro ! 25 Oct 2008 | 09:12 am
Pseudo : Juishiro Votre Age : 18 sexe garcon Votre région paris musique Rap,crunk,dance hall Animés préférés : Bleach, Naruto, Eyeshield21,One Piece Mangas préférés : Bleach, Naruto, Eyeshield21...
yo heisuke-san desu ^^ 17 Mar 2008 | 10:39 pm
salut je me présente: prénom: euh ..... age: 15ans signe astro: scorpion passion: les mangas ^^ manga préféré: naruto, bleach, one piece, darker than black,full metal alchemist, dn angel, d.gray ...
Shōjo Manga 28 Nov 2010 | 05:06 am
shōjo, shojo, or shoujo manga refers to manga marketed to a female audience roughly between the ages of 10 and 18. The name romanizes the Japanese (shōjo), literally: "little female". Shōjo manga co....
ohayo gosaimasu mina san 14 Oct 2008 | 12:57 am
Pseudo Oméga Age 20ans Que fait tu dans la vie: Je suis étudiant en automatisme Loisirs : Football Américain, Baseball Mangas Préféré : Bleach, Naruto, Eyeshield, soul Eater, etc..... Comment ave...
Rakasukie c'est moi et l'unique xD 8 Feb 2009 | 09:18 am
Prenom:Kévin Age:15 ans Etude: Bac Pro 3 ans electrotechnique Loisirs:Sport,mangas,graphisme Ville:Chateau reanutl en indre et loire
Hey, mina- san ! 17 Jul 2011 | 04:09 am
Prénom : Prudence Age : 11 ans Date de naissance : 25/10/99 Manga préférer : Rozen maiden Anime préférer : Baka to test to shoukanjuu Aime : les mangas, les animes, les pullips et tout les truc K...