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Looking toward the ‘Francis revolution’ still to come 21 Aug 2013 | 07:14 am
By John Allen | National Catholic Reporter | August 12, 2013: ROME - Amid the clamor over Pope Francis’ comments on gays, women, the Vatican bank and other juicy topics during a July 28 in-flight new...
Latin as I please 20 Aug 2013 | 12:38 pm
Yes, English has cases too! In the eighth article in this series, Dr David Daintree deals with the preposition and the accusative in both English and Latin. Prepositions are my theme. Prepositions ...
More marcel françois marie joseph lefebvre related news:
exposition Ultra (strong) fort 13 Aug 2013 | 07:19 pm
crédit photos:1-2Thierry Lacasse,3-4 jean-françois gravel, 5 Karène gauthier, 6 Marie-Sigrid Lefebvre-Desgagnés, 7 Evelyne l.Morin
Eugen Brand : « Se faire de la place les uns aux autres » 23 Aug 2013 | 01:14 pm
(Ph. François Phliponeau) Originaire de la Suisse alémanique, Eugen Brand est marié et père de trois enfants. Après le décès en 1988 de Joseph Wresinski, fondateur du mouvement ATD Quart Monde, il a a...