Most mobile strategy related news are at:

Designing Marketing Playbooks That Change Behavior 19 Aug 2013 | 02:31 pm
We have been designing and rolling out “how-to’s” or playbooks for the past 5 years that help established marketing and communications teams learn new tricks. This is part of our training heritage. W....
Three Helpful Principles for Strong Content Marketing 12 Aug 2013 | 05:17 pm
Nothing captures marketer’s attention today like content marketing. It’s been adopted by every pundit and marketing expert as the wave of the future. And for good reason. Picture this – in the future,...
More mobile strategy related news:
Intel Buys Cyber Security Giant McAfee For $7.68 Billion 20 Aug 2010 | 02:20 pm
Intel today agreed to acquire security vendor McAfee in a cash deal valued at about $7.68 billion, a move seen aimed at enhancing the chip maker's mobile strategy. The boards of directors of both ...
This Week... Online spend surges, Mobile strategy vital for business success and Facebook to ramp up advertising space - 20th February 2012 20 Feb 2012 | 02:00 pm
A little later than usual but still time for another this week update! Last week there were some interesting topics on the travel industry failing to provide better options for families, and dispute o...
Mobile Applikationen in den Reisephasen 5 Oct 2010 | 09:48 am
Beim Castlecamp in Zell am See Kaprun habe ich im September eine Session über Mobile Applikationen in den Phasen der Reise gehalten. Für unsere mobile Strategie der Österreich Werbung hatte ich einen ...
The Multi-Channel Implications of Mobile and Chris Silva’s Report on Mobile Strategies for Retail 8 Feb 2012 | 11:56 am
I spent the better part of the morning reading Altimeter Group’s report, “Make an App for That: Mobile Strategies for Retailers” []. Chris Silva [
Some Thoughts on Altimeter’s Report on Mobile Strategies for Retailers 8 Feb 2012 | 09:38 am
When I was a kid growing up in California’s Central Valley (the “Big Valley” made famous by the eponymous 1960s TV show [] with Barbara Stanwyck, Lee Majors and Lin...
Smartphone Advertising: Proof that Businesses Should Do More with their Mobile Strategy 1 Sep 2011 | 02:09 pm
Everyone is mobile, and it has been like this for a while—kids texting at the dinner table, cell phones going off in a lecture, the movie theater announcement to “Please silence your cell phone,” taki...
The Multi-Channel Implications of Mobile and Chris Silva’s Report on Mobile Strategies for Retail 8 Feb 2012 | 10:01 am
**This post was updated on February 9th, 2012, to include a link to Smarter Endpoint Management: IBM Goes Mobile. I spent the better part of the morning reading Altimeter Group’s report, “Make an App...
Some Thoughts on Altimeter’s Report on Mobile Strategies for Retailers 8 Feb 2012 | 09:06 am
**This post was updated on February 9th, 2012, to include a link to Smarter Endpoint Management: IBM Goes Mobile. When I was a kid growing up in California’s Central Valley (the “Big Valley” made fam...
kdmc: .@Pewinternet study on how Americans use cell phones: What does it mean for news org mobile strategy? by @agahran 19 Aug 2011 | 02:45 am
kdmc: .@Pewinternet study on how Americans use cell phones: What does it mean for news org mobile strategy? by @agahran
Mobile Strategy and Marketing Mindset 21 Jun 2011 | 06:47 pm
Mobile Marketing ή iPhone Application Marketing ή App Marketing – είναι μερικά από τα buzz keywords που θα ακούτε συχνά από εδώ και μπρος και θα καταλήγουν συνήθως με την λέξη Marketing. Επειδή γνωρί...