Most mobile web services related news are at:

Mobile Website of the Week: Lake Washington Vascular 16 May 2013 | 02:15 am
Who they are: Regional center for total vein and artery health, based around Seattle, WA, USA. What is unique about this site: Very close experience to the desktop site, with mobile optimized feature...
Reiterating the Need for Mobile 14 May 2013 | 01:51 am
Who they are: Regional center for total vein and artery health, based around Seattle, WA, USA. What is unique about this site: Very close experience to the desktop site, with mobile optimized feature...
More mobile web services related news:
Web Design Services | Website Design Dublin - 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
MyIT Mobile Web Design can provide you with all the mobile web services that you need. Call us in Dublin on 01-6216866 and we'll go through your requirements with you
Mobile Developer 2 Jul 2013 | 12:59 pm
Candidates should have experience in designing, developing and launching mobile web-service driven apps in the Android Market. Candidate must have an incredible sense of modern web and user experience...
Android: Trusting SSL certificates 6 Feb 2010 | 06:17 am
We use a self-signed SSL certificate for the test version of our backend web service. Since our certificate isn't signed by a CA that Android trusts by default, we need to add our server's public cert...
Software Services 17 Aug 2009 | 12:00 pm
Shivam Technologies provide Web Services to Small and Medium Business. We also have expertise in website marketing, custom website design, web hosting and testing solutions.
eCommerce Solutions 17 Aug 2009 | 12:00 pm
Shivam Technologies provide Web Services to Small and Medium Business. We also have expertise in website marketing, custom website design, web hosting and testing solutions.
Pimkie Color Forecast: See what colors people are wearing in fashion capitals 10 May 2012 | 09:08 am
If you are a fashion enthusiast, then you surely follow the fashion trends being followed in the fashion capitals of the world. These trends include the colors being worn. Through a web service called...
Why I wish Amazon Web Services the best 22 Apr 2011 | 03:22 pm
A couple years ago, ServInt – a “competitor” to my employer wrote this blog post: Why ServInt Stands Beside Rackspace and You Should Too I sent the author of that post an email and soon found myself...
99+ Mobile/Web/Print UI Icons 2 Jul 2011 | 05:45 pm
“Beautifully hand-crafted icons for mobile, web and print projects.” via vector4free Downlad It Here!
Gain Maximum Advantage from your Virgin Mobile 24 Feb 2012 | 10:42 pm
There is no doubt about the fact that there are numerous mobile connection service providers across the globe, but the kind of offers virgin mobile brings in, you simply cannot overlook them. One of t...
My Mobile Payments Ltd receives RBI’s approval to issue mobile wallet 18 Nov 2011 | 07:36 am
MUMBAI, November 17, 2011 – My Mobile Payments Ltd (MMPL), a Mumbai-based mobile payment service provider, has received the RBI’s go-ahead to launch financial services on mobile phones. “Money on Mobi...