Most modern greek painting related news are at:

John Lennon and Yoko Ono in Greece, 1969 25 Jul 2013 | 02:26 pm
A happy couple, John and Yoko visited Greece a lot of times.
Mountains of Epeirus, by Henri Cartier-Bresson 28 May 2013 | 08:26 pm
A photo by Henri Cartier-Bresson in Epeirus, 1961.
More modern greek painting related news:
Dictionary Updates: Kriaras, Vol. XVII; Trapp, Fasc. VII 16 Mar 2011 | 02:10 pm
New volumes of Kriaras' and Trapp's dictionaries of Greek are out. Kriaras covers Vernacular Early Modern Greek, and Trapp covers (mostly learnèd) Late Mediaeval Greek, with some overlap. For backgrou...
The declension of -ευς: Ionic forward to Modern Greek 12 Mar 2011 | 11:06 pm
In the last (but one) post, we worked out a reconstruction of the -ευς declension, to the point that we could explain the Homeric inflections. Where we wanted to get to was not Homer, but Aristophanes...
αμέτι μουχαμέτι: Semantics 8 Mar 2011 | 02:01 am
We have just looked at the development of the syntax of αμέτι μουχαμέτι, from an Ottoman Turkish noun phrase ümmet-i Muhammed "nation of Muhammad", to the Modern Greek adverb "come hell or high water"...
αμέτι μουχαμέτι: Syntax 7 Mar 2011 | 05:15 am
We saw in the last post the evidence for the development of αμέτι μουχαμέτι in the 19th century, from the Ottoman Turkish ümmet-i Muhammed "nation of Muhammed", to the Modern Greek "come hell or high ...
αμέτι μουχαμέτι, "Come Hell or High Water" 3 Mar 2011 | 02:06 am
As I alluded to in the previous post, this post is about how the Ottoman phrase ümmet-i Muhammed, "Nation of Muhammad", turned into the Modern Greek expression αμέτι μουχαμέτι, "come hell or high wate...
άμε and άντε: Semantics Persistence in Modern Greek hortative particles 2 Mar 2011 | 06:23 am
Vasilis Orfanos wrote a magisterial post on αμέτι μουχαμέτι, which I alluded to last post, and which am using to base the next post on. (Or maybe the post after that.) To acknowledge my debt, this is ...
The Arvanites of Central Greece, the Slavs and the modern Greeks! 18 Nov 2009 | 08:52 am
TUTORING NOW AVAILABLE 19 Jul 2011 | 08:59 am
The Play Space now offers Tutoring in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Maths and a number of languages including Modern Greek. Click here for more information. As qualified and experienced teachers we ha...
Princeton University, Graduate Student Conference in Modern Greek Studies, May 4, 2012 4 Feb 2012 | 04:51 am
International Graduate Student Conference "Crisis and Innovation in Modern Greece" Princeton University, May 4, 2012 read more...
Locked 4 Apr 2007 | 05:12 am
A Modern Classical Painting workshop commissioned by ImagineFX, to be found in Issue 17. To be exact, I aimed at an early XXth century stylization. Lots and lots of studying done to get the subject, ...