Most mssql temporary table related news are at:

SQL Server Virtualization 25 Apr 2013 | 06:47 pm
Excellent Tips by Michael Otey on virtualization for SQL Server:
Difference between UNICODE and UTF-8 files in Windows Notepad 25 Feb 2013 | 07:16 am
While generating flat files through SSIS for a feed process at a client site, we noticed that the developer had left the file encoding to be UNICODE with the thought that it would be the best practice...
More mssql temporary table related news:
SQLite Developer 3.53 Released 24 Sep 2009 | 02:32 am
We're extremely pleased to announce SharpPlus Sqlite Developer ver3.53. more>> What's new: [Schema Editor] Fixed: Can not create foreign keys for temporary tables. [Schema Editor] Fixed: da...
Easily remove unused MySQL databases 21 Sep 2011 | 05:23 am
I use PHPUnit and the DbUnit extension for my unit tests. Because I use InnoDB tables with foreign keys I cannot use an SQLite database or temporary tables to run my unittests on. So, I have set up a ...
Geçici Tablo ve Tablo Türü Değişken Arasındaki Fark 20 Apr 2012 | 05:43 pm
Çalışma esnasında bir kayıt listesinin sonucunu geçici saklamak için geçici tablo (temporary table) veya tablo türü değişken (table variable) kullanırız. Peki bunların arasındaki fark nedir ? SQL Ser...
Impact of TEMPDB Collations on Other Databases 2 Jan 2013 | 03:36 pm
When you create databases with different collations then you have to be very careful when using the temporary tables. In the below script let us analyze such a scenario. Creating Sample database with ...
Stored Procedure Optimization Tips in SQL 19 Jan 2013 | 11:35 am
Avoid using temporary tables. If required use it in OLAP but NOT in OLTP. If required in OLTP, then plan on creating a permanent table. (Temporary tables eat up a lot of resources (CPU and memory) by...
Get Temporary Table Column Names in SQL Server 1 Jun 2013 | 10:10 am
When a temporary table is created, a record gets created in tempdb’s sys.tables and tempdb.sys.columns system table. You can query these tables to get meta data information from a temporary table. He...
Атол РКМ – лечим ошибку работы с BDE 10 Jun 2013 | 03:39 pm
Обслуживаю сеть магазинов самообслуживания и вот недавно случилась такая беда: на компьютере с АТОЛ’ом выскочила ошибка “Ошибка работы с BDE! Temporary table resource limit.<наименование таблицы>”. В...
Get Temporary Table Column Names in SQL Server 1 Jun 2013 | 10:10 am
When a temporary table is created, a record gets created in tempdb’s sys.tables and tempdb.sys.columns system table. You can query these tables to get meta data information from a temporary table. He...
SQL Server Replication Problems 2 Aug 2013 | 01:13 pm
In a recent forum message, a user wrote: "I need to replicate approximately 50 MSSql 2005 tables of an accounting app, so that my MSSql 2008 R2 app can maintain a ... Read Full Post
Select DataSet and number of total rows with one stored procedure 12 Aug 2010 | 05:16 am
when you want to write a search using .net and MSSQL, it’s a pain. This is because you’re forced to select every row in the table and then only display a small subset of it. This works okay for tables...