Most mvp summit and seattle related news are at:

Gamescom 2013: we were there! 22 Aug 2013 | 08:44 pm
Delta Engine team could not avoid visiting Gamescom 2013 in Cologne! We visited it yesterday, when the conference was mostly reserved to game industry professionals and journalists. For this reaso...
Creepy Towers keeps on growing 26 Jul 2013 | 02:45 pm
Silently, just like an obscure unseen menace, Creepy Towers project keeps on growing. If you are new and ask what is Creepy Towers, I can tell you that it is a 3D Tower Defense game currently under d...
More mvp summit and seattle related news:
Modifying a compile assembly when no longer have source 25 Mar 2009 | 02:42 pm
So while I was at the MVP Summit, an old client got a hold of me and said there was a weird error on the site when a user was trying to post something. He sent me a screenshot and it said could not l...
Microsoft MVP Summit 19 Feb 2011 | 04:53 am
I’m excited to attend this year’s MVP Summit. This gathering of thousands of MVPs from around the world takes place February 28-March 2. It’s a wonderful opportunity to discuss issues directly with th...
Looking to Apollo 2 Mar 2012 | 02:39 am
I’m here in Redmond attending the annual MVP summit. Besides all the terrific sessions, connecting with product teams, and the after parties, I’m ecstatic about what I’ve seen on the upcoming Apollo r...
Expression Blend in Action MEAP begun 12 Mar 2011 | 06:45 am
Hi folks! Last week while I was attending the MVP Summit, the MEAP for my upcoming Manning Publication title “Expression Blend in Action” was launched. If you aren’t familiar with MEAP, it is a grea...
Unsere erste MVP Summit in Redmond 19 Mar 2012 | 04:21 am
Seit Carsten im Juni 2011 Most Valuable Professional für Virtual Machine geworden ist, haben wir uns auf die MVP Summit in Redmond im Februar 2012 gefreut. Eigentlich hatte ich die Sightseeing Tour ge...
Inaugural MVP Summit 28 Jun 2012 | 10:02 am
On June 25 and 26 the Modernist Versions Project‘s Board of Directors met at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Vancouver campus to hammer out details of the project’s next phase. The meetings were incr...
Celebrating the sustainable side of foodservice 10 Oct 2012 | 03:40 am
Last week, I attended the Chefs Collaborative Sustainable Food Summit in Seattle for the first time. Headquartered in Boston, Chefs Collaborative is a nonprofit network of chefs with a mission to fost...
Our PASS Summit 2012 Schedule 1 Nov 2012 | 07:00 pm
Next week, the Brent Ozar Unlimited crew will be attending PASS Summit in Seattle, WA. It’s a busy week, full of networking, learning, and teaching. Here are a few of our highlights. Want to add our s...
Just Script It! 27 Feb 2013 | 01:21 am
Here’s Sean’s newest crazy PowerShell video in which he managed to feature your’s truly doing moonwalk (or trying to ) As you can see from the video – Microsoft MVP Summits are a lot of fun with amazi...
MVP Summit 2013 16 Feb 2013 | 09:13 pm
Jako každý rok i letos letím na konferenci MVP Summit do Redmondu a cestou zpátky si uděláme krátkou zastávku na Floridě. Pokud vás zajímají postřehy z cesty a fotky, budu je průběžně publikovat na ht...