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More mysql odbc driver related news:
Automate your reports with the ODBC driver 2 Sep 2011 | 02:18 pm
The ODBC driver is probably my favorite WebTrends feature. I still haven’t bothered to use REST because ODBC does everything I want. With the ODBC driver I can create a 1 click report in Excel that I...
Asterisk 10 Real-time Architecture through ODBC driver 19 May 2012 | 04:42 am
Asterisk Real-time Architecture یا به طور اختصار ARA روشی برای خواندن تنظیمات استریسک از پایگاه داده ( بجای فایل های متنی واقع در مسیر /etc/asterisk ) است . دو مدل ARA وجود دارد . Static و Dynamic در...
ODBC on Windows 64 bit OS 8 Oct 2011 | 12:07 pm
Haloo, ketemu lagi… Sekarang saya mo bahas bagaimana cara menginstall ODBC Driver pada Windows 64bit, kebetulan sekarang saya pakai Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit… Pada saat install Windows 7 64bit ini, say...
AnySQL Maestro 12.5 released 10 May 2012 | 12:00 pm
SQL Maestro Group announces the release of AnySQL Maestro 12.5, a powerful tool for managing any database engine accessible via ODBC driver or OLE DB provider (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, A...
PHP MySQL Native Driver (mysqlnd) 6 Mar 2012 | 05:58 pm
PHP MySQL Native Driver (mysqlnd)PHP 5.3 부터 지원하기 시작한 MySQL Native Driver 는 MySQL 에서 지원하는 MySQL API를 이용하지 않고, PHP만을 위해 새로 쓰여진 C언어 기반의 API입니다. MySQL 의 듀얼라이선스 정책과 기타 메모리 반환시, 데이터 복사시 불필요한 낭비를 줄이고 좀더 PHP에...
Data Connectivity — QuickBooks® Enterprise Solutions Meets ODBC 3 Feb 2010 | 05:00 am
QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 9 and 10 provide access to an overlooked and high-end tool to provide greater access and use of QuickBooks data — its own ODBC driver. Technologist Bob Spencer provides...
Automate your reports with the ODBC driver 2 Sep 2011 | 07:18 am
The ODBC driver is probably my favorite WebTrends feature. I still haven’t bothered to use REST because ODBC does everything I want. With the ODBC driver I can create a 1 click report in Excel that I...
Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration in Windows XP 8 Jun 2013 | 03:23 pm
To start doing JDBC programs in your local machines you should configure the following softwares: 1. Install Java 1.5 or higher version 2. Install Oracle XE (recommended) 3. Set up classpaths for J...
Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration in Windows XP 8 Jun 2013 | 03:23 pm
To start doing JDBC programs in your local machines you should configure the following softwares: 1. Install Java 1.5 or higher version 2. Install Oracle XE (recommended) 3. Set up classpaths for J...
Descargar Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver 27 Dec 2012 | 03:50 pm
El Microsoft Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver ya no está disponible desde la página de Microsoft y no es fácil de encontrar, así que lo dejo aquí para tenerlo a mano y por si le sirve a alguien más: Visual ...