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mysql order by asc desc 优化 14 Jun 2012 | 10:22 am
今天遇到个问题 mysql 有种sql语句查询效率不高,用完索引后仍然有filesort排序 select * from table_name where a=xx order by b asc,c desc; 开始觉得可能用索引就可以解决比如 建立 create index idx_x on table_name(a,b asc,c desc); 后来发现仍然不走索引,是mysql的一个b...
回复于: mysql order by 和limit索引的问题 19 Feb 2013 | 08:15 am
你的表有多少条记录?第三个肯定是不走索引的。当查询的记录超过表总量的一定比例就会直接全表扫描。比例是多少来着我忘记了。。 其他几种情况就不知道了。
MySQL ORDER BY RAND() – Qual a melhor forma de fazer? 23 Aug 2013 | 09:45 am
Essa é uma dúvida que volta e meia aparece nos fóruns, como obter linhas aleatórias em uma query. Normalmente o que vemos é algo assim: SELECT * FROM tabela ORDER BY rand(); Contudo, o que muitos nã...
mysql order by null 11 Aug 2013 | 08:28 pm
order by null用途是强制对查询结果禁用排序。通过explain检查查询语句时候,如果看到Extra列中有Using filesort,这是对性能有一定影响的,特别是使用了group by时,就算你没有显示的指定order by,mysql会默认按照分组字段进行排序。某些情况下是没有必要使用排序的,例如在处理表报数据的时候(把原始表数据统计后插入到一个用于报表查询的表),则完全可以可以使...
ZenCart 1.5.0 Demo Site 2 8 Apr 2012 | 08:52 am
Zen Cart 1.5.0 Zen Cart 1.5.0 Demo 2 Full Demo Install with products. Mods in order installed: Data Base Back-up Mod (Backup MYSQL Plugin) Ultimate Seo URL JZ Black 2 Free Template Column Layou...
What’s behind blogging? 3 Dec 2011 | 12:47 am
There are numerous reasons behind blogging. Some blog just as a hobby while some blog in order to promote their products and services. Most company has their own blog but what do they do in that blog?...
buy order cheap generic viagra soft sildenafil online 11 Oct 2011 | 03:36 am
buy order cheap generic viagra soft sildenafil online Because of more manual workload in practices, fast foods plus numerous other reasons, nowadays, consumers are suffering from different diseases a...
North Face Outlet Sale are numerous merchandise that could possibly be ordered 6 May 2012 | 07:11 pm
polystyrene, Cheap North Face Factory Outlet.It is created from heavy duty fleece that is woven quite tightly with each and every other.Polyurethane North confront coating is gentle in bodyweight it j...
Write a simple query to get the second largest value of a table column? 17 Mar 2012 | 04:54 pm
There are many ways that we can write this, But the simplest way in mysql is, SELECT * FROM country ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1, 1 plus there are some other methods as well, SELECT * FROM country ORD...
Eureka S05E06 | Eureka 5x6 | Worst Case Scenario 9 May 2012 | 12:55 am
Eureka S05E06 | Eureka 5x6 | Worst Case Scenario - Indeed, it is usually good in order to day- desire as well as come up with numerous fantastic points within our thoughts that people desire we're abl...