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Londres: NI (aka National Insurance Number, NINo, etc..) 24 Oct 2010 | 09:41 am
Después de encontrar piso, y buscar (o encontrar) trabajo, el siguiente paso es conseguir un NI. El NI es, para entendernos, una especie de combinación entre el número de la seguridad social y del do...
National Library Board 13 Jul 2010 | 04:01 am
2007: Megapixel supported a creative agency in this project by creating the web version of the National Library Board’s Annual Report based on the client’s requirements. Actual URL: http://www.nlb.g...
Official Websites of National Tourist Boards 19 Feb 2012 | 01:00 pm
Planning a large trip? Need some starting point for some research? We compiled a list of official country websites. When travelling abroad, it's a good idea to check what the tourism board of the coun...
English teacher needs help, blood donors, in Miryang. 19 Nov 2011 | 04:11 pm
Via What would you do if you were struck by a serious illness while teaching in Korea? You are suddenly hospitalized and unable to work? You discover that your Korean National Insurance ...
Sukuk Roadblocks May Rise With National Shariah Boards: Islamic Finance 29 Oct 2010 | 07:04 pm
By Khalid Qayum and Dana El Baltaji – Oct 28, 2010 7:38 PM GMT+0800 Thu Oct 28 11:38:07 GMT 2010 Points of Essence: The AAOFI-led National Shariah Board plan to oversee Sukuk sales may face resistance...
mitos 25 Dec 2010 | 07:18 am
Mythos Dairy Food / Susu, Calcium, Osteoporosis (keropos tulang) Sebuah badan riset / pengawas dan promotor Dairy Product "The National Dairy Board” yang ditunjang sepenuhnya oleh “the U.S. Department...
新工第一個星期 29 Apr 2012 | 04:01 pm
終於過咗新工第一個星期 - Orientation Week,由於新到貴境,除了認識公司 Culture、Employee Guidelines、Health & Safety外,我仲要去忙開銀行戶口(等公司出到糧俾我)、搞類似加國國型的MPF /National Insurance Number - (這裡叫做Social_IN)、搵屋等等... 其實之前去英國做嘢,都是這樣忙,所以今次再申...
Prisoners and Pensions 16 Jul 2010 | 04:17 am
The excellent Prisoner Ben writes: One of the least expected effects of this sentence is that I won’t have a pension in my dotage. As pensions rely upon National Insurance contributions, I’m stuffed....
What is a UTR Number 14 Jun 2011 | 05:43 am
The Inland Revenue issue a number of different cards and numbers including: national insurance cards, CIS, cards and UTR numbers. Tax can be confusing at the best of times so we thought we would use t...
National Heritage Board's S$8 Million seed funding 3 Feb 2009 | 07:15 pm
With the country going into the worst recession in its 43-year history, many government agencies are starting to cut costs and review their budgets. Money matters become sensitive after the Tan Yong ...