Most neti pot gagging related news are at:

The Young Are Different from You and Me 22 Aug 2013 | 12:01 am
When I was 23, I worked as a secretary and receptionist at a law firm in St. Petersburg, Florida. Outside, it was the geriatric capital of the nation, with a median age of 55. White headed senior cit...
The Bell Tolls 16 Aug 2013 | 02:11 am
Years ago, our phone died. It was a catastrophe. Well, it wasn’t dead, exactly — it just didn’t ring. So, we could make calls, but we couldn’t receive them. The phone stayed stubbornly, maddeningly s...
More neti pot gagging related news:
Combat the Effects of Environmental Irritants 18 Apr 2012 | 05:37 am
Environmental irritants are often difficult to live with. But there are many small things you can do that add up so that you can breathe more easily. 1. Use a neti-pot daily. If you are not familiar...
A Simple Guide To Sinus Neti Pots 9 Aug 2011 | 04:40 am
Sinus neti pots are designed to help irrigate the nose and get rid of common problems and nasal ailments. The idea behind the pots emerges from ancient Ayurvedic techniques concerned with the cleansi...
Project 333, Part Two (aka Taking It On The Road) 3 Mar 2011 | 05:53 am
Well hello there, Semi-Material Worlders! I’m back from the land of antibiotics and stuffed nose, neti pot rinsing and wan complexion and bed. I got back on Friday, in fact, from my first business tri...
Free Neti Pot! 3 Jul 2011 | 02:34 am
When you become a fan of the NeilMed Facebook page, you can get a FREE Neti Pot! These work wonders for sinus infections! Thanks Money Saving Mom!
Sinus Rinse and Neti Pot Selection from Breathing Techniques and Pranasana Yoga 13 Apr 2012 | 04:19 am
Sinus Rinse from Neil Med and Neti Pots Galore…. If you’ve never tried it, once you know how to wash your nose without stressing or forcing, it’s a really wonderful and refreshing experience that last...
Important Warning If You Use a Neti Pot! 20 Aug 2011 | 07:15 am
Deadly "brain-eating" amoebas have been in the news lately, as a number of people have died this year from being infected with them through contaminated water. From Yahoo News: The third case, in Lou...
Neti Pot Cleansing for nasal congestion 10 Feb 2012 | 04:09 am
Neti Pot Cleansing is best described as “nasal washing” or “sinus cleansing”. It involves the use of a ceramic “Neti Pot” (which looks rather like a mini watering can!), filled with a salt-water solut...
FDA Warns of Risks Using Tap Water in Neti Pot 4 Sep 2012 | 08:03 pm
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning regarding the risk of infection tied to the improper use of neti pots and other similar nasal-rinsing devices. The concern is the source of ...
Free Neti Pot! 2 Jul 2011 | 07:34 pm
When you become a fan of the NeilMed Facebook page, you can get a FREE Neti Pot! These work wonders for sinus infections! Thanks Money Saving Mom!
How to Use a Neti Pot to Cleanse Your Sinuses 3 Apr 2013 | 03:40 am
TweetHello There! Okay. Fair warning: this post is about how to use a neti pot and contains bathroom images. Brace yourself. Today I am going to share with you my neti pot instructions. Someone needed...