Most obama secretly helps halliburton related news are at:

Fingers Malloy’s Sausage Cookies 21 Jun 2013 | 11:25 pm
People are crazy about bacon–some say too crazy. We felt that an alternative to the bacon craze is desperately needed. So, last night on The Snark Factor, we announced our new sponsor—Fingers Malloy’s...
Snark Factor 344 with Liberty Chick 17 Feb 2013 | 09:56 pm
Mandy Nagy (Liberty Chick) of is our guest. Paul Croteau stops by for This Week in History. Tracy Connors and Thomas LaDuke are The Snark Factor Players.
More obama secretly helps halliburton related news:
Five donor-centered fundraising lessons from Obama’s campaign 12 Nov 2012 | 06:05 pm
A fascinating new article, Inside the Secret World of the Data Crunchers Who Helped Obama Win, clearly reveals that this election was won because Obama’s team understood the make up, motivation and su...
Obama Helps Muslim Brotherhood After Taking Christian Nuns Hostage 20 Aug 2013 | 05:26 pm
Is Barack Hussein Obama helping the Muslim Brotherhood? U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) has announced that the Obama administration has secretly suspended financial aide to Egypt as its interim governm...
Obama’s Secret Deal with Mexico: Spend Tax Dollars to Help Illegal Immigrants in the 27 Aug 2013 | 09:44 am
Yet another one of those pesky phony scandals ? Whether it is or it isn't why in the heck are we giving money to illegals to teach them there rights when our Country is falling apart all around us ? ...
Obama Administration Makes Secret Deal With Mexico To Help Illegal Immigrants In The Workplace 20 Aug 2013 | 03:26 am
Instead of making sure that U.S. employers are not hiring illegal immigrants, the Obama administration has actually signed a secret deal with Mexico to protect “the rights” of illegal immigrants in th...
Stop TAFTA and the TPP: the Global Monsanto Protection Act on Steroids! 15 Aug 2013 | 07:03 am
Tell Congress and Obama to stop Monsanto's secret deals to kill GMO labeling! Help Stop Secret Trade Deals, the TPP and TAFTA: the global Monsanto Protection Act on Steroids! If you thought the Mon...