Most open realty addons related news are at:

Open-Realty® 3.2.7 18 Aug 2013 | 09:11 pm
Announcing the immediate availability of Open-Realty® v3.2.7. While much of the work performed for this release was aimed at improving the OR administration area layout/interface, a few reported bugs...
IDXManager 2.65 Release 15 Jul 2013 | 05:57 am
IDXManager v2.65 has been released. This software update specifically addresses a recent change for FNIS IDX repositories that have discontinued the use of FTP for data transfers in favor of SFTP. Ne...
More open realty addons related news:
Open Realty Addon Multi Level User 20 Mar 2012 | 08:49 am
This addon allows you to 1. Create additional user groups with preset access levels 2. Edit or delete user groups 3. Activate or Deactivate groups (You can activate a group until you are ready to disp...
Open Realty Template Realty20 12 Jan 2012 | 04:26 am
Realty 20 3.1.X (Not for 2.x) Beautiful Open-Realty Template with appropriate files and extra Open Realty addons. Read the docs price:$79.99
Open Realty Addon Multi Level User for 2.5.X 20 Mar 2012 | 04:49 am
FOR OR 2.5.X Only This addon allows you to 1. Create additional user groups with preset access levels 2. Edit or delete user groups 3. Activate or Deactivate groups (You can activate a group until you...
Open Realty Addon Multi Level User for 3.X 20 Mar 2012 | 04:49 am
FOR OR 3.1.x and 3.2.x This addon allows you to 1. Create additional user groups with preset access levels 2. Edit or delete user groups 3. Activate or Deactivate groups (You can activate a group unti...
Open Realty Template Realty21 27 Nov 2012 | 04:42 am
Realty 21 3.1.X 3.2.X Beautiful Open-Realty Template with appropriate files and extra Open Realty addons. Read the docs price:$79.99
The Open Realty System 19 Nov 2011 | 12:17 am
Open Realty (OR) is a web-based real estate listing management system. It is easy to setup and use. The project is written in PHP. If you use OR as a redistributor, the source code must be available f...
Projekt 10 Nov 2011 | 02:17 pm
Ein Bild erscheint in Kürze. Specials: Hier kam Open-Realty zum Einsatz, ein System zur Listung von Immobilien. Es ist kostenfrei und außerst flexibel, so dass es auch für ganz andere Objekte eingeset...
Open Realty Template OR-Mini-3 22 May 2010 | 04:22 am
Going beyond the template ! OR-Mini-Site with over 20 addons and matching Admin-Template If you have a project waiting and you love this template. You are almost done because this goes beyond the st...
Open Realty Template OR-Mini-2 27 Feb 2010 | 12:28 pm
Going beyond the template ! OR-Mini-Site with over 20 addons and matching Admin-Template 2.5.X 3.1.X If you have a project waiting and you love this template. You are almost done because this goes ...
Open Realty Website Development and Design 28 Oct 2011 | 02:17 pm
Open Realty is popular real estate listing management system. It offers a wide range of features including user management, listing management, photo management and many others. We have been developin...