Most openoffice epub plugin related news are at:

The Morning Coffee – 27 August 2013 27 Aug 2013 | 09:30 am
Here are a few stories to read this morning. The Kindle Is Key To Amazon’s Chinese Success (Seeking Alpha) Apple: Feds aim to “give Amazon a significant competitive advantage” in ebooks ...
Drablr Wants You to Tell a Story in 100 Words 27 Aug 2013 | 07:41 am
A short story can be anywhere up to 20 thousand words, a short-short can have a word count of 1,000, and flash fiction is limited to a mere 300 words (according to one definition). But what do you cal...
More openoffice epub plugin related news:
Install 3.2.0 Slackware 13.0 22 Mar 2010 | 03:42 am
Seperti biasa setelah fresh install slackware 13.0 trus cek update dan upgrade dengan slackpkg yang saya lakukan adalah menginstall flash-player-plugin untuk browser firefox kesayangan Nah baru aja se...
AtD for Writer – Updated 10 Aug 2010 | 12:28 pm
After the Deadline for has been kept under the radar. It started out as a modification of the Language Tool plugin for The first release was simple but worked. The secon...
A Calibre-ről - 7. rész (Egy másik lépésről-lépésre kalauz az ePub állományok létrehozásához OpenOffice-Word-ből kiindulva) 3 Jul 2012 | 11:43 am
Dokumentumok létrehozása és formázása e-olvasók számára, az ePub felhasználásával: kalauz (Emma Davies)
Lire un fichier epub depuis Firefox avec EPUBReader 30 Mar 2013 | 09:13 pm
Le format ePub est un format de fichier pour les livres électroniques ou ebook. Le module EPUBReader pour firefox vous permet d'ouvrir ce type de fichier. Ce plugin transforme Firefox en un véritable ...
MagPress: a WordPress plugin to create eBooks 12 Jun 2013 | 08:04 am
Create eBooks in the PDF, ePub and .Mobi formats.
OpenOffice Dokumente mit Word / Excel / PowerPoint öffnen 7 Jul 2013 | 09:16 pm
Auf OpenXML, gibt es ein kostenloses PlugIn für Word / Excel / PowerPoint. Mit diese PlugIn ab Office XP ( 2002 ) kann ich die OO Dokumente in MS öffnen / konvertieren. Für Dich noch mehr interessante...
Anthologize, il Plugin WordPress che trasforma il Blog in un Ebook 28 Jul 2013 | 04:47 pm
Anthologize è un plugin che consentirà il salvataggio di tutti gli articoli di un blog wordpress in formati documento come epub, pdf, rtf e html. Gli ebook potranno essere creati filtrando gli articol...
OpenOffice Dokumente mit Word / Excel / PowerPoint öffnen 7 Jul 2013 | 09:16 pm
Auf OpenXML, gibt es ein kostenloses PlugIn für Word / Excel / PowerPoint. Mit diese PlugIn ab Office XP ( 2002 ) kann ich die OO Dokumente in MS öffnen / konvertieren. Für Dich noch mehr interessante...