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More oxid layered navigation related news:
Shop By Category in Magento HomePage 23 Feb 2012 | 03:44 am
Shop By Category in Magento HomePage : or Layered navigation in CMS page or front page . This is Very common problem with every magento developers . After Banging my head here i am writing a simple b...
Ajax Layered Navigation 30 May 2012 | 08:03 pm
AJAX Layered Navigation can increase sales by making your catalog more filterable, aesthetically appealing, and faster for your customers to find the products they want. With lots of options, easy cus...
Yet Another “Hiding Out-Of-Stock Products” Update 29 Sep 2009 | 09:14 am
Update: Bug fix It turns out that when layered navigation indexes are refreshed the website_id is 0 which causes the filtered results to be empty which makes layered navigation disappear. The fix is ...
Hiding “Out of Stock” items in Layered Navigation 15 Jul 2009 | 05:33 am
Updated 9/28/09 See the latest post in this series: Yet Another “Hiding Out-Of-Stock Products” Update, for an update that fixes advanced search, tags, up-sells, cross-sells, etc.. Updated 7/23/09 U...
Lissmac Removes Oxide Layers on Both Sides! 29 Jun 2011 | 07:32 am
How is your company stacking up to increasing demands of production? Lissmac SBM-M B2 US manufacturing rebounds and is once again on track to be a global leader. Have your OEM customers notified yo...
Advanced Layered Navigation 31 May 2012 | 04:35 am
Magento’s layered navigation is a powerful tool – but it can, if not carefully used, cause confusion for customers with cluttered navigation, and irrelevant choices. This module adds a wealth of addit...
使magento的分层菜单以下拉菜单显示插件 - Improved Layered Navigation 27 Jan 2010 | 04:42 pm
Magento中分层菜单默认是列表显示的,本插件可以使得其以下拉菜单显示,有时候也会挺方便的,不过这样的插件也需要19美元,不怎么值,呵呵...应该实现起来也不怎么麻烦的 可以去这里看看:
Ajax Pagination and Layered Navigation is now avaible on Magento Connect 4 Jun 2012 | 05:22 pm
We are happy to announce the availability of Ajax Pagination and Layered Navigation is now ready on Magento Connect for download. This community edition is fix an issue with magento search. Some of th...
you will not only want to examine the very latest in fashion trends 21 Jan 2013 | 04:18 am
licon-based transistors has likewise produced MOSFET in demand. These state-of-the-art transistors includes oxide layer relating to the gate and the channel, that impedes current from running through ...
Guide to SEO Friendly Layered Navigation for Magento 10 Apr 2013 | 07:06 pm
We seem to be focusing on Magento more and more on this blog. Few reasons for this, firstly we are working on a few Magento websites and enjoying helping our clients with their SEO challenges and we a...