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リストで画像と文字を縦中心に表示するjQueryプラグイン「jQuery List Vertical Align」 15 May 2012 | 01:00 pm
しょうもないことがとっても気になる@poyosiです、こんにちは。 以下の画像のように、リストで画像と文字を縦中心に並べるのは1行だけなら簡単なのですが、複数行入るかもしれないとなると急にやっかいになるレイアウトです。 というわけで、どうしてもこのレイアウトを実装したいという超レアなケース向けに、簡単に設置することのできるプラグインを作りました。 こういうのを実装したい もじ文字 もじ文...
Easy Paginate - jQuery plugin for pagination 9 Mar 2011 | 11:16 pm
Today I am presenting a simple jQuery plugin I made. This plugin allows you to browse easily through the list of items with pagination controls. It is very easy to implement and very lightweight so it...
Easy Paginate jQuery plugin for pagination 9 Mar 2011 | 07:16 pm
This plugin allows you to browse easily through the list of items with pagination controls. It is very easy to implement and very lightweight so it might come in handy to use in your own projects.
Ada Video Tutorial Gratis “lagi” dari Tuts+ 22 Aug 2013 | 08:26 pm
Masih inget setahun yang lalu Tuts+ ngasih free tutorial 30 Days to Learn jQuery. Dan beberapa hari lalu dapet imel dari Tuts+ kalau ada free tutorial lagi selain jQuery. List bisa mampir ke URL ini [...
Animated Sortable Data Table jQuery plugin - jTPS 30 Aug 2008 | 08:00 am
Powerful datatable with animated pagination and natural sorting.
Ajax i ComboBox, czyli listy z podpowiedziami na stronie WWW realizowane w jQuery 24 Oct 2008 | 02:30 pm
Autouzupełnianie list rozwijanych, stosowane na witrynie Google Suggest, bardzo ułatwia wprowadzanie danych w formularzu. Jest to rozwiązanie pod wieloma względami wygodniejsze od tradycyjnych l...
jQuery ‘drop down’ sub-menus for Expression Engine’s category module 27 Aug 2009 | 03:47 am
See the live example in the sidebar of the Navigenics blog. Today I cleaned up a huge category list on the sidebar of Navigenics’ blog. Since the main problem we were trying to solve was to free up s...
Yet another list of ‘extremely useful’ jQuery plugins 8 Jan 2010 | 08:10 pm
A while back, I posted an article listing the jQuery plugins I use most often in my projects. Thanks to a great developer community, new plugins are constantly being created and hence, my original lis...
Circular Image Slide with jQuery 25 Apr 2009 | 10:41 pm
A friend of mine asked me to write a little script for him the other day that would do the following : 1. Slide a list of images from right to left across the screen. 2. When an image moves out of v...
6 jQuery snippets you can use to manipulate select inputs 29 Mar 2009 | 09:01 pm
When it comes to manipulating the DOM, fewer elements are more tiresome than the good old select input. Fortunately for us, jQuery makes what was once a headache, a walk in the park. Listed below are...