Most palm beach gardens golf related news are at:

30th Annual Holiday Bazaar 15 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
30th Anniversary of the Gardens Holiday Bazaar 90+ Gift and Craft Vendors Friday, December 6, 11am-7pm Saturday, December 7, 9am-4pm Burns Road Recreation Center, 4404 Burns Road, Palm Beach Ga...
2013/2014 Proposed Budget 29 Jul 2013 | 09:00 am
2013/2014 Proposed Budget The City of Palm Beach Gardens presents the Fiscal Year 2014 Proposed Operating and Capital Improvements Line-item Budget. click here for Line Item Budget click here fo...
More palm beach gardens golf related news:
Golf Course Architect Selected 18 Jun 2013 | 09:00 am
City Golf Course Chooses Top Architect Firm The Palm Beach Gardens Golf Course has chosen Dusenberry Designs to renovate the course beginning June 1. The course will be closed for restorations until ...
You Edge in Luxury Real Estate 30 Jan 2012 | 05:13 pm
Your Edge in Luxury Real Estate - 561.459.0550 Featured Community San Michele Private Estates - Palm Beach Gardens, Florida Active Listings 5119 Isabella Drive 1.35M 2134 Milano Ct 2.295M 1129 S...
Finding out Good apartments for the Purpose of Staying 22 May 2012 | 05:54 pm
It has been found out that Palm Beach Gardens offers different types of housing. Though they are a bit expensive, but this place offers more choices in sizes, styles and budgets. Still, before finaliz...
Klub Sport Racing celebrated a milestone 22 May 2008 | 02:09 am
Klub Sport Racing celebrated a milestone Sunday, May 18, 2008. This was the last event, an SCCA Regional Race which ran at the old Moroso Motorsports Park here in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Cody Ell...
State Road A1A, Segment 4: Riviera Beach to Palm Beach Gardens 28 Mar 2010 | 12:26 pm
Riviera Beach The fourth segment of A1A is a shorter one, located completely within the northern portion of Palm Beach County and running from Riviera Beach to Palm Beach Gardens. I drove this stretc...
Suggestions For Listing Your Palm Beach Gardens Home For Sale 30 May 2010 | 06:45 am
Listed here are some suggestions for the sale of your Palm Beach Gardens residence, townhouse, or condo: Get your your home prepared for sale by browsing through your Palm Beach Gardens home for sale...
Versant Residency Boosts Nursing Quality 15 May 2009 | 06:47 am
PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL-- Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center is partnering with VersantTM RN Residency, a hands-on curriculum designed to boost the confidence of new nurses and help ensure quality patie...
Families Learn To Be A Fearless Caregiver At Upcoming Conference 26 Aug 2010 | 04:44 am
Today’s Caregiver magazine’s Fearless Caregiver Conferences celebrate the 100th event by providing family caregivers with paid scholarships to its Port St. Lucie and Palm Beach Gardens, Florida and Ne...
How Palm Beach gardens promote upscale Living? 25 May 2012 | 11:02 pm
There is no point investing in real estate of an area that has absolutely no amenities or has a neighborhood that is not pleasant. Palm Beach gardens have a real estate market that is continuously ris...
Woods to play Honda Classic 15 Feb 2012 | 08:42 am
PALM BEACH GARDENS Fla. (AP) Tiger Woods is returning to the Honda Classic for the first time since he was an amateur. Woods announced on his website Tuesday that he would play the Match Play Champio...