Most pavilion kl related news are at:

MYEG ... Apr13 24 Apr 2013 | 07:04 am
There is indication of positive progress in its new work permit renewal service. MYEG had secured its first major contract from a plantation government linked company. Furthermore, the online vehicle ...
MEGB ... Apr13 23 Apr 2013 | 07:04 am
A potential cash bumper dividend of 36.6 sen could be on the cards for MEGB should it consider divesting some of its fixed assets. Rumours have been rife that Datuk Seri Edmund was looking to cash ou...
More pavilion kl related news:
Bosphorus Turkish Cuisine, Pavilion KL 11 Oct 2011 | 02:38 am
I may look big to you; but if you truly know me, I ain’t really adventurous where I go around trying food of all kinds. But I thought after some persuasions from my colleague, I thought, FINE. Let me ...
Kampachi @Pavilion KL: A Great Dining Experience! 1 Aug 2010 | 03:39 am
Recently, I was given the task to plan for our 3rd anniversary dinner. Now, I have always mentioned to Mr Husband that I love Kampachi. It's been awhile since I went there and we've never gone there t...
Mee Jawa, Pavilion KL 10 Mar 2012 | 07:11 am
Bukan nak cakap pasal mee jawa pun. Nak cakap pasal mee kawi jeww. (mee kari) Aaaaa. Sedap gila mee kari dia. Ada ayam, kacang panjang, ada sedia sambal dengan limau sekali. Ha? Nampak tak sambal be...
Tonkatsu by Wa Kitchen @ Pavilion, KL 20 Jun 2011 | 09:33 pm
I was ranting to Chris about killing the boredom of having our katsudon norms (yes.. chicken and beef) at a Japanese restaurant when our partner-in-crime AiWei rang the bell of dining at Tonkatsu inst...
Tonkatsu by Wa Kitchen @ Pavilion, KL 26 Jun 2011 | 04:36 pm
I was ranting to Chris about killing the boredom of having our katsudon norms (yes.. chicken and beef) at a Japanese restaurant when our partner-in-crime AiWei rang the bell of dining at Tonkatsu inst...
Les Misérables is Miserable 31 Dec 2012 | 10:42 pm
Its 1 January 2013! We survived the apocalypse! I spent new year, zero hour in my car, ready to go home after a messy countdown party in Pavilion KL after a bad movie experience after a hearty Japane...
PERGI JAUH LAGI...HURM 4 May 2013 | 02:36 pm
SABTU 4 May 2013 0515pm n me here at OLD TOWN WHITE COFFEE PAVILION KL lepak like always ALONE but kali nie SAD banyak today dia dah pown otw mau pigi jauh dia ke US atas urusan kerja n starts today...
Wild Sno @ Pavilion KL 30 Mar 2011 | 07:28 pm
If you going visit Pavilion this weekend, remember to stop by at Sno Shake at Lot P1.09.02, Level 1. WHY? Because you can play with iPad for free!! Haha, really mer? Nolar… The iPad is actually use...
Kia Cerato – One of the Most Highly Anticipated Car Models in Malaysia This Year 21 Jul 2013 | 05:43 pm
KAMPUNGBOYCITYGAL/KAMPUNGBOYCITYGAL - A MALAYSIAN FOOD & TRAVEL BLOG Naza Kia Malaysia Sdn Bhd officially unveiled Kia Cerato at Pavilion KL last week. It is a new benchmark for a sedan in Malaysian ...
[GIVEAWAY]《夺命游戏2》THE GAME 2 首映 15 Aug 2013 | 08:02 pm
《夺命游戏2》首映与记者会 [GIVEAWAY]想要和我一起找出“夺命”凶手吗?如果您也想去看明天《夺命游戏2》首映与记者会,请马上FB分享此贴,同时留言: 我想与 Tian Chad @ 永遇乐 去看《夺命游戏2》首映因为_______(不超过15个字) 日期:2013年8月16日(星期五) 时间/地点:3.30pm(Hall 3,GSC Pavilion KL) 我将会选一位幸运F...