Most penelope trunk blog related news are at:

Assess yourself: Should you launch a startup? 22 Aug 2013 | 07:08 pm
I fired Melissa. We were bickering all the time. And she was saying I’m impossible to work for and I was saying she’s impossible to manage. The problem is I’m a mad raving lunatic about making sure t...
How to measure your own progress 17 Aug 2013 | 01:47 am
I have big goals for myself, but I try to measure my progress day by day instead of looking at the big picture. The big picture is overwhelming. For example, for the last three years, I’ve known I wan...
More penelope trunk blog related news:
Blueprint for a Man’s Life 24 Aug 2011 | 07:42 am
I dug Penelope Trunk’s post, Blueprint for a Woman’s Life. She brought it strong and as usual her stuff was controversial, which I like. I didn’t agree with all of her points–most actually–but it’s wo...
Penelope Trunk: Buzz doesn’t translate to book sales. Community translates to book sales. 30 Jul 2012 | 07:00 pm
Editor’s Note: I am pleased to feature this interview with Penelope Trunk as part of the Winning Edits Expert Interview Series. Trunk co-founded Brazen Careerist and two other startups. Her career ad...
Let Your Life Surprise You 1 Mar 2013 | 12:30 am
I was reading Penelope Trunk’s blog the other day and one of the lines grabbed ahold of me, “Let your life surprise you.” I wonder how you do that? You let go some. You have faith. You admit you don...
“How to decide when to work for free” by Penelope Trunk 26 Aug 2013 | 08:18 pm
On August 17, 2013, at the Northeast PHP conference in Boston, I gave a new presentation titled “How To Get There“. This was a motivational-like presentation, which is virgin territory for me, but I t...
3 Reasons why black people don’t homeschool 27 Aug 2013 | 02:54 am
Blog Buzz: 3 Reasons why black people don’t homeschool via Penelope Trunk Homeschooling This is a guest post from Judy Ledbetter Sarden, a homeschooling mother of two, business advisor, writer and at...
“How to decide when to work for free” by Penelope Trunk 26 Aug 2013 | 08:18 pm
On August 17, 2013, at the Northeast PHP conference in Boston, I gave a new presentation titled “How To Get There“. This was a motivational-like presentation, which is virgin territory for me, but I t...
Wp Custom Adsense Plugin - Wordpress Code 25 Jan 2012 | 02:53 pm
=== Custom Adsense Plugin ===Author: Umakant PatilContributors: Ravi PennaTags: Ad-senseRequires at least: 2.9Tested up to: 3.0Stable tag: trunk The plugin shows Ads on the blog's pages. The Ad is sho...
PELO DE QUITA Y PON: El flequillo postizo de Penélope Cruz 14 Jun 2011 | 07:25 am
Paula Grande Una compañera de trabajo y lectora asidua de este blog llamó mi atención hace un par de días sobre un pequeño detalle de Penélope Cruz, a la que últimamente hemos visto hasta en la sopa ...
Swatch Coleção Penelope Charmosa 26 Apr 2010 | 02:32 am
á meninas! Além desse blog amado também escrevo toda semana para o Trendy Twins falando de beleza, moda, cabelo, maquiagem, esmaltes... Vou aproveitar esse domingo preguiçoso e mostrar pra vocês a nov...
F.M. Allen 9 Jul 2009 | 05:31 pm
Discovered these photos of F.M. Allen’s new Franklin, Tennessee location on photographer Melanie McGaughey’s fantastic blog, The Velvet Trunk. If you’re unfamiliar with F.M. Allen, Miss McGaughey offe...