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バンコクにあるアクセサリー販売店にて女性店舗管理担当者を急募! 27 Aug 2013 | 02:44 pm
求人番号: 05894 業種 小売業(アクセサリー) 職種 店舗管理 給与 応相談(経験・能力による) 勤務地 バンコク・スクンビット ■詳細(募集条件、仕事内容など) バンコクにあるアクセサリー販売店にて店舗管理担当者を募集。店舗運営、タイ人スタッフの管理を担当していただきます。同業の経験がある方は優遇。責任感があり率先して仕事をできる方募集。 性別: 男性 女性 年齢:...
ASEAN諸国で10年以上の勤務経験あり、営業経験豊富な候補者です。 27 Aug 2013 | 12:17 pm
求職番号: 75829 日本人 : 男性 ( 60 歳) ■備考 前職では27年間営業として勤務しました。東南アジア諸国で駐在員として約10年間勤務経験があります。明るくチャレンジ精神のある候補者です。 最終学歴: 私立大学工学部卒 語学: 英語:社内会話可能 希望職種: 営業 主な職歴: 精密機械製造販売会社にて営業として勤務経験 希望給与: 100000バーツ 希望勤務地: ...
More personal consultant related news:
Welcome to America.Noir.Com 13 Aug 2008 | 04:50 am
Brenda Crawford, Independent Consultant for Color Me Beautiful brands Flori Roberts, Gayle Hayman, Patti La Belle and Interface provides personalized one on one in person consultations for residents o...
$67 for a personality profile and personal consultation with Rock Paper Scissors Coaching 23 Dec 2011 | 03:00 am
Make 2012 your year, with $391 of individual insights into your strengths and weaknesses, your repeating habits and a tailored plan to how you can overcome them for just $67. Imagine getting your mes...
This is an matter to always be meticulously canvassed using any counsellor and it’s wise which a person consult whether the financial debt counsellor 30 May 2012 | 04:21 pm
It can be hard to the consumer that is funds having debts in addition to supposedly no method. Nevertheless there are several online debt consolidation consultants already in the market who can suppor...
WELCOME TO (De)Inspire 13 Dec 2007 | 02:41 am
Welcome to our website. (de)inspire is a provider of online architectural services which is easy to be reach wherever, whenever and for everyone who have a time limitation for personal consultation...
Meet Willow in person 27 Jan 2012 | 08:09 am
Come and meet Willow in person at Old Town Scottsdale Farmer’s Market for a FREE personalized consultation on how to relieve and reverse chronic or seasonal allergy and sinus problems.
My Cylapril Review 5 Nov 2008 | 04:52 am
I've been in the healthcare industry for 25 years and personally consulting for 15. Cylapril, according to the Web site, "is The ONLY product of it’s kind to combat Adrenal Fatigue Burnout." Sure, C...
Jiva Ayurveda 13 Apr 2010 | 11:39 am
Welcome to Jiva Ayurveda The leader in Ayurvedic telemedicine, Jiva brings to you personalized healthcare through online, telephonic, and personal consultations. In 1995, we set up the world’s first...
Welcome to America.Noir.Com 1 Jan 2011 | 08:00 am
Brenda Crawford, Independent Consultant for Color Me Beautiful brands Flori Roberts, Gayle Hayman, Patti La Belle and Interface provides personalized one on one in person consultations for residents o...
Jiva Ayurveda 13 Apr 2010 | 07:39 am
Welcome to Jiva Ayurveda The leader in Ayurvedic telemedicine, Jiva brings to you personalized healthcare through online, telephonic, and personal consultations. In 1995, we set up the world’s first...
Taking the Next Step: Going From a Grassroots Enterprise 2.0 Community to an Official One 18 Dec 2012 | 09:48 pm
Way back in 2008, microblogging and enterprise collaboration platform Yammer launched at TechCrunch50. A week later, I became member #1 of the Yammer network at my old firm, a 25,000 person consulting...