Most plantation bay related news are at:

四川秋遊 ° 20/10 - 27/10 27 Aug 2013 | 03:37 pm
四川秋遊係10月20-27期間有冇人有興趣一齊去成都-九寨溝 -成都 冇咩特定行情可以一齊傾,目的係食飯搭車分擔下 人多都 開心d……目前有3人,希望雙數出發~歡迎隨意樂天健談ge朋友 !!! 機票已出,香港航空10月20號2145飛成都,27號0710成都飛香港 二人出飛優惠2085一 ...
梨山住宿推薦+梨山三日遊行程+梨山賓館 27 Aug 2013 | 03:12 pm
這個夏天真的熱到昏頭,我們一家五口討論結果;決定出發往 景色風光宜人,坐擁群山的避暑勝地----梨山賓館、武陵農場、福壽山農場、還有很多綿羊的清境農場開始我們3天2夜暢遊農場的行程,哥哥跟弟弟很愛拍照,我們夫妻特別把心愛的相機交到倆兄弟手上;一到清境2 ...
More plantation bay related news:
The wedding of Jan and Bam Adeva at Plantation Bay, Cebu Wedding Gown and Tuxedo by Malou Castillejos Coordination by C & C Creative Concepts Co. Photo by Smart Shot Studio The Wedding of Amar Do....
What A Wonderful Loooong Weekend 31 Aug 2011 | 09:49 pm
the long weekend (four blissful days, can you imagine??) can be summed up in four phrases: 1) plantation bay 2) game of thrones 3) eating 4) sleeping we were in plantation bay from saturday to su...
Staycation @Plantation Bay Resort 26 Jun 2012 | 08:52 pm
Relaxation- in physics, the restoration of equilibrium following disturbance. I have been to Plantation Bay in November 2007 but never got the chance to stay and explore the place. Now forward to Ju...
Goin’ Bulilit Goes to Cebu 25 May 2013 | 12:51 pm
Summer fun is not yet over for the witty kids of Goin’ Bulilit as they invade Cebu and bring laughter to Plantation Bay Resort and other beautiful destinations in the Queen City of the South this Sund...
Exploring and Overcoming 8 Jun 2013 | 05:16 am
During our free getaway at Plantation Bay Resort and Spa, my son overcame his fear of water. I have always encouraged him, almost to the point of forcing, to learn how to swim. I would teach him how t...
Exploring and Overcoming 8 Jun 2013 | 05:16 am
During our free getaway at Plantation Bay Resort and Spa, my son overcame his fear of water. I have always encouraged him, almost to the point of forcing, to learn how to swim. I would teach him how t...
Bayswater Adelfa House near Plantation Bay Marigondon 21 Jun 2013 | 04:14 pm
Bayswater Adefla is a bungalow house for sale in Marigondon Lapu Lapu City Cebu Philippines. Bayswater is near Plantation Bay Resort Marigondon Mactan. Adelfa is a 3 bedroom single detached house ...
Hermoso Grande at Alegria Palms Gabi Cordova Cebu 24 Jun 2013 | 04:00 pm
Alegria Palms Subdivison House and Lot for sale in Gabi Cordova Cebu Philippines ALegria Plams is 3 kilometers going to Gaisano Grand Mall, Plantation Bay and 3 kilometer going to Mactan Doctor’s Ho...
[세부여행] 넓은 부지 최고의 수영장. 플랜테이션베이 리조트(Plantation bay resort) 17 Aug 2013 | 06:59 pm
플랜테이션베이를 파노라마 샷으로 한 컷~! 세부 여행을 계획할 때, 가장 중요하게 생각했던 것은 이왕 휴양지로 떠나게 된 마당에 최대한 좋고 편리한, 그러면서도 우리 여자셋에 적당한 리조트를 잘 찾는 것이었다. 그 때문에 얼마나 많은 리조트 정보를 뒤졌는지 모르겠다. 사실 세부라는 지역이 우리나라의 여행객들에게 꽤나 익숙한 지역이었기 때문...
Once In a Lifetime 16 Jul 2013 | 10:13 am
Okay, some of you might think that I’m exaggerating but that’s exactly how I felt when I finally experienced Mactan Island’s Plantation Bay Resort and Spa last week. The experience was totally once in...