Most please also note that related news are at:

More please also note that related news:
Manchester City with Rooney, Torres, Ribery, Kaka and Ronaldo 18 Feb 2011 | 09:28 pm
Oh internetiwebs, why must you mock the less professional amongst us so? Where's Wally? Please also note the use of IstyOsty for the hosting of this link. Web savvy types will be fully aware of link b...
Manchester City with Rooney, Torres, Ribery, Kaka and Ronaldo 18 Feb 2011 | 04:28 pm
Oh internetiwebs, why must you mock the less professional amongst us so? Where's Wally? Please also note the use of IstyOsty for the hosting of this link. Web savvy types will be fully aware of link b...
<a href="/news/2012/10/pre-order-charcoal">Pre-Order Charcoal</a> 14 Oct 2012 | 04:44 pm
You can now pre-order Charcoal on CD. To do that, head to the following page: Please also note that the third and final free download from t...
Navy AA sample paper for English section 24 Dec 2012 | 06:14 pm
Navy AA model paper for 2013 exam Based on previous year exam pattern and updated syllabus for Indian Navy we have prepared this English sample paper of AA 2013 exam. Please also note that this paper...
IREA In Our Showgrounds. 22 Feb 2013 | 04:01 pm
(nb. Circe wrote this a week and a half ago, and I wanted to fill it up with links, as is my wont, before posting it. However, time is short and I can add links later.Please also note that Bolta has a...
Stay Tuned... 11 Mar 2013 | 01:16 am
In response to some valid concerns, we're in the process of switching things up a little. The signups will remain open. Please stay tuned for our next announcement. Please also note that while we wil...
WHITEvoid @ Light + Building trade fair 2012 in Frankfurt 14 Apr 2012 | 10:12 am
If you are in Frankfurt at the Light + Building trade fair please visit us in hall 5.1. booth D29. We will be presenting our Kinetic Lights system. Please also visit the LivingSculpture kinetic insta...
Affiliation Application 11 Dec 2009 | 04:37 pm
Affiliation criteria *Please kindly note that affiliation application will be reviewed during weekends. We apologize for the inefficiency but please forgive us due to the busy schedules. 1. CEFC has... 11 Nov 2010 | 11:06 pm
TAKE NOTICE: As of November 2010, when I went in to do admin work on adding another site/blog as requested for BLOGROLLING, I could NO LONGER add or edit. Instead I found this: So...please take note...
Scrim Table / Friendly game 4 May 2009 | 11:36 pm
[M] Vs [Arr] = Won 12-10 , Players Ro[M]eo, irc[M]Lim, irc[M]zeus, [M]Atch, Ju[M]p3r People who wan to participate in future scrim or friendly game please take note NOT TO USE DS in normal / S&D game