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2012 Official Countdown Report Review-Do you have courage to face 2012? 7 Feb 2011 | 10:44 pm
Would you like to achieve certain targets within a given period of time? If yes, then the 2012 official count down report can offer you the necessary insights and every thing that you must understand ...
More polar shift predictions related news:
Magnetic Polar Shifts Causing Massive Global Superstorms 10 Feb 2011 | 03:55 am
Terrence Aym Superstorms can also cause certain societies, cultures or whole countries to collapse. Others may go to war with each other. Courtesy: Weather Snob (CHICAGO) - NASA has b...
Polar Shift 28 Jul 2012 | 01:54 pm
“the band’s most diverse and hard-hitting material to date” OUT THIS TUESDAY, JULY 31st 2012 PRE-ORDER ON ITUNES ORDER CD OR VINYL FIRST VIDEO: “FOREST BATTLE” FIRST MP3: Demon Fire...
...I'm baaaaaack! 2 Jan 2013 | 07:44 am
Well, the Mayans were wrong. While I thought that I'd have to accomplish everything in 2012 that was humanly possible before some type of polar shift or solar flare went down, the moral of the story i...
Polar Shift & Military Preparation. Howard Stein puts PROOF FORWARD. 7 Jun 2013 | 06:24 am
Polar Shift & Military Preparation. Howard Stein puts PROOF FORWARD. Published on Mar 10, 2012 by Roxy Lopez Howard Stein speaks on Polar Shift and Military Preparation info@the...
Biodiversity on the brink 6 Aug 2013 | 02:18 pm
A team of Australian researchers has delivered dire news for polar ecosystems, predicting that in some regions biodiversity may be reduced by as much as a third within decades. It's the result of a ti...
Latest Replays 23 Aug 2013 | 09:23 pm
REPLAY IS AVAILABLE - Login to view! Spiritual Seekers: "The Polar Shift of the Sun" Listening is FREE. Just log in to the website and then click on the picture to go to the replay page. Also ch....
Destructive reign of digital music 7 Jan 2009 | 05:46 am
Happy new year. Let’s start with a prediction: 2009 could be the year the compact disc finally dies. It could be the year lots of other things die as well — polar bears, the high street — but CDs wil...
Top 05 Cabinet Designs Of 2010 27 May 2010 | 10:43 pm
Emerging trends for cabinet designs predict a gradual shift from tradition to more contemporary and modern looks and layouts for kitchens and kitchen cabinets. The top 05 for 2010 are: Cabinet design...
SHIFT-Part 1, Creating Your Vision 7 Apr 2011 | 07:55 am
Technology Implementation: How difficult is it for you? Do you know the steps to effect change? Did you know there are some predictable patterns to follow? Are you familiar with this kind of scenario ...
PARTICIPATION MYSTIQUE 24 Apr 2012 | 10:07 am
“As Jung prophesied, an epochal shift is taking place in the contemporary psyche, a reconciliation between the two great polarities, a union of opposites: a hieros gamos (sacred marriage) between the ...