Most ppc affiliate landing pages related news are at:

Why eBay Says AdWords Doesn’t Work 18 Mar 2013 | 07:27 pm
Recently there’s been a bit of a foof about eBay releasing a paper claiming AdWords ads don’t work. Those of us who actually know something about the program believe that eBay’s use of AdWords just p...
Shopping Carts for WordPress Suck 30 Nov 2012 | 10:38 pm
It’s almost 2013. Why oh why can’t I find a professional, full featured shopping cart plugin for WordPress? I have clients on old ecommerce platforms such as OSCommerce and ZenCart that I would LOVE t...
More ppc affiliate landing pages related news:
Affiliate Landing Page in WordPress 3 Jun 2011 | 09:12 am
Bei diesem kleinen Projekt handelt es sich um die Entwicklung eines einfachen WordPress Themes. Das Augenmerk des Besuchers soll nur auf den Text gelenkt werden und bei weiterem Interesse hat er die M...
Why You MUST Use WordPress (if you’re serious about making quick cash) 11 Mar 2012 | 11:56 pm
Why You MUST Use WordPress (if you’re serious about making quick cash) 1. WordPress is free. 2. You’ll easily create high-quality affiliate landing pages with WordPress (even if you know nothing ab...
Highly Optimized Affiliate Landing Page Design 15 Apr 2012 | 04:45 pm
Highly Optimized Affiliate Landing Page Inspiration Set Ready for Sale on If you are an affiliate, an advertiser, a super affiliate or an internet marketing newbie, you will need doz...
Managing Your Paid Search Bids 20 Jul 2011 | 03:21 am
Too much attention, and time is spent managing and tweaking keyword bids in PPC advertising. Compared to the results driven by other elements of a PPC account (landing pages, ad copy, placements), key...
7 Best Tips to Create Landing Pages for PPC Campaigns 25 Jan 2010 | 02:41 am
Landing Pages are one of the most important part of your PPC (pay-per-click) campaign as it would be the first page which a user sees on your website after clicking your ad. Well designed landing page...
e-Junkie Tutorial: Alternate Affiliate Landing Pages 24 Nov 2011 | 05:44 am
Learn how to create alternate landing pages for your affiliates to promote using the e-Junkie shopping cart. This video tutorial shows the process step-by-step and a free downloadable PDF version and ...
How to: Monetize a GEO Domain with Affiliate Marketing 14 Aug 2008 | 09:24 pm
In my last post, I introduced you to one of my new sites, Iowa Guide, which was built using WordPress. I’ve found whether I’m making a simple affiliate landing page, a static website, a content man...
Implementation: Landing Page Development 23 Apr 2013 | 09:12 am
Landing page is play major part of PPC, your landing page should have original and quality content that’s focus user friendly and proper structured. Visitors come via PPC campaign to this page allow u...
How to Create Effective Landing Pages for PPC (Pay per Click) 4 Jul 2013 | 01:08 pm
Whether you are using Microsoft's AdCenter or Google's Adwords for PPC, the landing pages play a vital role in getting a return on your investment. Even if your campaigns are organized and well struct...
LP Lockout 15 Mar 2012 | 08:54 pm
LP Lockout is a simple solution to a major problem for all affiliate marketers and webmasters in general. Landing page theft or campaign copying is the single biggest way to cut your income in half, ...