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More pre-roll ads facebook games related news:
YouTube: Connecting With Auto Shoppers Through Video 11 Jun 2013 | 01:55 am
We would like to personally invite you to our exclusive webinar on YouTube, presented by Google. Join us to learn the benefits of in-stream YouTube Pre-Roll ads, and how your dealership can generate ...
Social Video is three times more effective than paid-for video advertising 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
In this, the fourth clip in our Online Video Strategy series, Steffan Aquarone explains why social video is more powerful than pre-roll or video ads. With our free how to guide you’ll be able to study...
Louis Hotels Facebook Game App – Αύξηση Likes / Talking About This 15 Apr 2013 | 03:36 am
Facebook Game Application – Pacman Tournament Ενδεικτικά: Κατασκευή γραφικών (pre like – after like) Δημιουργία παιχνιδιού pacman και top 10 highscore Υποστήριξη λειτουργιών όπως challenge, brag, wall...
Louis Hotels Facebook Game App – Αύξηση Likes / Talking About This 15 Apr 2013 | 03:36 am
Facebook Game Application – Pacman Tournament Ενδεικτικά: Κατασκευή γραφικών (pre like – after like) Δημιουργία παιχνιδιού pacman και top 10 highscore Υποστήριξη λειτουργιών όπως challenge, brag, wall...
The Rise & Power of Smart Video Ads 22 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm
Do consumers prefer personalised advertising? Is delivering a highly targeted and more relevant pre-roll ad the way forward? And are more brands turning to smart video ads? We caught up with Jim Dic....
Adsense for Content Started to Allow Pre-Loader ADs? 26 Aug 2013 | 11:50 pm
I see many large game portals start to use AFC in the game preloader (absolutely not the Adsense for Games) have they removed from their TOS something?
Research from WPP’s Millward Brown: Adding Interactivity To TV Ads Increases Effectiveness 27 Aug 2013 | 03:53 pm
Re-using 30-second TV ads as online video pre-rolls is a great way to keep costs down versus shooting new creative. But re-purposing such ads rather than producing online-native ones risks driving dow...
How can I make a pre-roll and post-roll video ad play before video assets in my video player? 22 Aug 2013 | 12:45 am
Pre-roll Video Ads are ads that will display prior to a Video or VMIX asset in a video player block. TownNews utilizes YouTube's development API to impelement an integrated YouTube asset within BLOX. ...
Annoying Facebook game ads in news feed 24 Jul 2013 | 03:48 pm
Every day when we go onto Facebook we get annoying game requests from friends, one of the most annoying has to be blooming Candy Crush. If you think that is bad think again, you might start to see Fac...
Video Companion Ads 23 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
What is VAST? The IAB's Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) specification is a universal XML schema for serving ads to digital video players. It provides support for linear pre-roll, mid-roll and post-r...