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Maps:重整數碼新瞪鞋地圖 9 Aug 2013 | 10:48 am
Maps是由英國北安普頓唱作歌手兼製作人James Chapman所化身的一人Indietronica樂隊,其介乎獨立流行樂與電音流行樂之間的風格——既有師承自90代初葉Shoegaze / Dream-Pop的夢幻內斂,亦用上Electro-Pop的電音骨幹。姑勿論你把Maps的音樂稱之為Electro-Shoegaze還是Digital Nu-Gaze,他正是標誌著當今抹去了Indie與Ele...
David Lynch:仲夏迷離夜之夢 29 Jul 2013 | 07:55 pm
由「大師級導演」而搖身一變成為「新晉唱作歌手」,別以美國傳奇性老牌導演David Lynch在2011年秋天破天荒地出版了唱作歌手姿態的首張個人專輯《Crazy Clown Time》,那只是他一時興之所致、閒來沒有開戲而灌錄出來。想不到相隔不夠兩年,Lynch在樂壇上實行再下城,現年67歲的他緊接帶來其第二張專輯《The Big Dream》。 看來自2006年的《Inland Empire....
More primal scream related news:
Conciertos: Primal Scream 21-09-11 Screamdelica 28 Sep 2011 | 05:29 am
Todo trabajo artístico tiene implícita una fecha de expiración en cuanto a vanguardia se refiere; es el caso de la pintura, la arquitectura, la música, etc. cada cierto tiempo un nuevo estilo nace en ...
Primal Scream et The Rapture ressuscitent la dance music 10 Sep 2011 | 10:32 pm
Cette semaine Paris accueillait consécutivement The Rapture et Primal Scream en concert. Les premiers avaient choisi La Maroquinerie pour fêter leur nouvel opus In The Grace Of Your Love le jour de sa...
迷魂曲- higher than the sun 6 Dec 2009 | 05:50 am
放蕩年頭沉醉的迷魂舞曲 Higher than the SUN - Primal Scream
Under Close Examination in Direct Marketing 14 Jun 2012 | 06:05 pm
Anger management. Self-help. Psychoanalysis. Meditation. Confession. Primal scream. Hypnosis. Finding your mantra. Losing your edge. Saying “no.” Choosing life. If there was ever a beast that examine...
Современные музыканты хотят быть богатыми и пользующимися популярностью 29 Jun 2012 | 01:55 am
Известный музыкант Бобби Гиллеспи (это лидер группы «Primal Scream») заявил не так давно, что у современных рок-музыкантов совершенно отсутствуют амбиции, назвав их “конформистами”. Он высказал инициа...
Lista de 22 de diciembre! 23 Dec 2012 | 12:08 am
Serj Tankian – Figure it out Ozzy Osbourne – I don´t wanna stop Maximo Park – Hips and lips Primal Scream – Country girl El Vuelo de la Grulla – Agua de mar Carajo – El error The Raveonettes – Attack ...
Primal Scream and The Knife Return With Creepy, Long Form Videos 1 Mar 2013 | 06:22 am
The long form video has gained in popularity, but really - does anyone have time for them?
Rolling stones have been announced as line-up for glasto – but it’s sold out. 28 Mar 2013 | 02:44 pm
The Rolling Stones are headlining and other acts include Primal Scream, Elvis Costello Professor Green and Dizzee Rascal to name but a few so its no wonder that the tickets for Glastonbury have sold o...
INgrooves Artist Services Division, INresidence, Builds Frontline Roster 3 Jun 2013 | 11:01 pm
Announces New Partnerships with The Boxer Rebellion, Pepper, Raheem DeVaughn, Lyfe Jennings, Primal Scream and Lenka INresidence, the artist services division formed by…
Quando uno pensava non esistessero al mondo ulteriori modi per... 19 Jun 2013 | 12:36 am
Quando uno pensava non esistessero al mondo ulteriori modi per fare di “More Light” dei Primal Scream il disco migliore della sua generazione. Passavo di qui per caso, stupendomi del fatto di non esse...