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More programming php google platform related news:
Google Chrome & Internet TV – Changing the way People Watch 3 Nov 2011 | 10:34 pm
Many people are switching to their Internet browsers to watch television, and many others are using a set-top box (such as Google TV’s platform, Revue) to enjoy their favorite programming. A set top b...
Crime24 Stealer 10 May 2012 | 01:01 am - Graphics, Hacking, SEO Tools, Software, Templates Crime24 Stealer Features • Webpanel • PHP Check • FTP Check • Melt Steal Program • Internet Explorer • Google Chrome • Mozilla Firefo...
Flex for PHP Developers 13 Sep 2009 | 02:33 pm
Mihai Corlan, one of Adobe’s platform evangelists, has written a rather exhaustive introduction to programming in Flex, specifically for current PHP developers. When I did my first web project using ...
Tutorial: Implementing Google+ API using OAuth 2.0 in PHP 15 Nov 2011 | 08:30 pm
On September 15, 2011 Google released Google+ APIs to public. Google+ API is a programming interface to Google+. With the help of this API users can integrate apps or websites with Google+. Currently,...
Google Plus API 28 Nov 2011 | 09:14 am
Coders can now get their hands on a single Google+ API (application programming interface). Over time, Google will be opening up more of its platform to developers, presumably in a similar fashion to...
Importance of PHP Development for Web development 31 Jan 2011 | 10:35 pm
One of the biggest examples of technological advancements is the immense change in programming platforms. With a range of Application existing in the market for web application, PHP and Dot Net is con...
Creating a simple login-logout session using PHP 24 Apr 2010 | 02:04 am
Before attempting this, please ensure that you have installed an Apache/MySQL/PHP Stack, you may use one of these program : XAMPP (For many platform) WAMP (For Windows) MAMP (for Mac user) Start the s...
From Hulu to Google TV, Battle Is on in Distribution Turf War 19 Feb 2011 | 12:45 pm
From Hulu to Google TV, Battle Is on in Distribution Turf War NEW YORK ( As online video content and traditional TV programming converge on multiple platforms, who will win the attention of...
Job Openings for / Php Developers 22 Apr 2011 | 11:57 pm
Antasoft is hiring PHP and .net Developers for various projects. We are looking for candidates with good experience in programming on both .net / Php platform. The Candidate must possess excellent ana...
Google is actually Cracking Down! 14 Apr 2012 | 06:37 pm
There are lots and lots of automatic blogging application platforms to select from. The basic plan with these programs is that you push a button and they send out spiders to crawl through the web sear...