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La pyramide ensevelie de Cholula / The pyramid scheme of Cholula 4 Oct 2012 | 05:25 pm

Et voilà Cholula ! Sur la pyramide de Cholula se trouve une église. En fait de pyramide, on ne voit pas grand chose, si ce n’est une colline bien verte. L’intérêt de Cholula, c’est Cholula. Très belle...

Payments equals People being Paid… 3 Aug 2012 | 07:25 am

I have been following the recent debate started by Virginia Sole-Smith and her article ‘The Pink Pyramid Scheme’.  The article about Mary Kay, the pink hued grande dame of Direct Selling, appeared in ...

Sarah adds dates with WHY? 27 Mar 2013 | 07:58 pm

Sarah will join indie hip hop band WHY? on their North American tour dates. Dates include: 06/12 – Grand Rapids, MI – Pyramid Scheme 06/13 – Pontiac, MI – Crofoot Ballroom 06/15 – Albany, NY – Valenti...

Payments equals People being Paid… 3 Aug 2012 | 07:25 am

I have been following the recent debate started by Virginia Sole-Smith and her article ‘The Pink Pyramid Scheme’.  The article about Mary Kay, the pink hued grande dame of Direct Selling, appeared in ...

NEWS: SAINT VITUS October 2013 U.S. headlining tour dates with PALLBEARER, ZOROASTER & THE HOOKERS ... 25 Aug 2013 | 10:24 pm

Oct. 4 San Antonio TX @ Korova Oct. 5 Norman OK @ The Opolis Oct. 6 St Louis MO @ Firebird Oct. 7 Minneapolis MN @ 7th St Entry Oct. 8 Chicago IL @ Reggies Oct. 9 Grand Rapids @ Pyramid Scheme Oct. 10...

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