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CDR Mooney's Retirement Speech 27 Mar 2006 | 03:52 pm
Posted by CDR Kevin Mooney, USN (Ret.) on Sat - Mar 25 - 2006 Good Afternoon, before I get into the guts of my remarks I want to spend a few moments acknowledging the people who made this special day...
Use a free retirement speech or write your own? 2 Jun 2013 | 10:40 am
Do you really need a ready-made free retirement speech? Use the time you'd spend personalising a pre-prepared speech to write your own. Easy to follow guidelines to help create an original speech.
The truck race: Kamaz on the test bench! 9 Dec 2011 | 04:51 am
The landscape in the truck category has been transformed by the retirements of Chagin and Kabirov, who between them had won nine of the last eleven editions. Whilst their usual challengers can take...
Prototype 2 – Destroy Your Maker Trailer 13 Dec 2010 | 08:47 am
It’s a big trailer day today, following on from the Spike TV Video Game Awards. What’s next on the list? Prototype 2. This time, you play as Sergeant James Helen, a ‘retired’ soldier hell bent on brin...
Convert Text To Speech For Visually Impaired 6 Dec 2011 | 05:03 am
You would be seeing a button at the bottom left corner of every post, this helps me out in converting all the text whatever I typed into a speech. I implemented this in Tekkie Blog for the Visually Im...
Zeta Components retired from Apache 29 May 2012 | 08:54 pm
The Zeta Components project retired from Apache and is now available on Github. All components are now installable via Composer. Read more for details…
And another one bites the dust… 13 May 2011 | 03:14 pm
Earlier this week, I got word that our translator for Hourou Musuko (“Usagi-chan” ) is retiring asap … What is it about summer and translators retiring ?? Anyway, We wish him luck and all that jazz. ...
Sarah Palin Resigns 29 Jul 2009 | 05:47 am
This was a sad weekend for comedy writers, Sarah Palin resigned in Alaska. For a final laugh, she did give us a farewell speech that may live on for many years to come, in late night television. As a...
Great Speeches by West, Rubio, Santorum, and Gingrich CPAC 2012 16 Feb 2012 | 06:26 pm
Some of the great speeches at CPAC from some great conservative patriots!
Sarah Palin CPAC Speech…President Obama we are through with you! 15 Feb 2012 | 01:31 pm
If you haven’t seen and or heard the Sarah Palin CPAC speech you need to! Sarah was in top form and continued her speech and chants of USA in the midst of protestors that interrupted her speech. One ...