Most robocop speaks to detroit related news are at:

Deal Dash is Awesome 8 Nov 2012 | 08:09 pm
Have you heard of a trending new website called Deal Dash? It’s a new fun way to shop. Over 1 million shoppers agree. DealDash has become popular just recently so we expect you to do some research and...
Google+ Profiles 12 Jan 2012 | 05:15 am
When I search for something on Google, I don’t want to be routed to your Google+ page. Please don’t let everything I am looking for online be a Google+ result. Let’s save quality third-party content ...
More robocop speaks to detroit related news:
Pharoahe Monch speaks on J Dilla, Denaun Porter and Black Milk 15 Sep 2007 | 01:32 am
K-Fresh has a link to Pharoahe Monch interview where he speaks about Detroit producers J Dilla, Denaun Porter and Black Milk. Visit for the interview.
US Govt and Auto makers will make sure that Plug-in vehicles will be affordable in coming years. 13 Jan 2012 | 05:43 pm
Speaking at Detroit Economic Club, Steven Chu, US Energy secretary, said that Govt., want to see upto million plug-ins and hybrid cars by end of 2015, which some experts says the goal is over-optimist...
Pharoahe Monch speaks on J Dilla, Denaun Porter and Black Milk 14 Sep 2007 | 09:32 pm
K-Fresh has a link to Pharoahe Monch interview where he speaks about Detroit producers J Dilla, Denaun Porter and Black Milk. Visit for the interview.
Let There be Pop Culture Statues 22 May 2013 | 10:59 am
So, you’ve probably seen it already, but a Kickstarter did it: they made a Robocop statue for Detroit. Not New Detroit, not movie Detroit, but real Detroit. On one hand, I love this. On the other hand...
The Detroit RoboCop sculpture could be created thanks to online fundraising 23 Feb 2011 | 11:24 am
Some severe online attention has been focused on a proposed Detroit RoboCop statue. After the Mayor of Detroit, Bing, made it clear the city wasn’t going to put up a sculpture of the fictional RoboCop...
Young Professional Writes Love Letter To Detroit 20 Feb 2013 | 04:38 pm
Passionate Detroit speaks about Hope and whats to come of this great American City
Crowdfunding goes crazy…. 29 May 2013 | 10:17 am
Dank einer Kickstarter-Kampagne wird in Detroit eine ROBOCOP-Statue aufgestellt. Hierzu wurden über 70.000 US-Dollar eingenommen. Es mag zwar ein lustiger [...]
Dirty Clean Words 18 Jun 2012 | 12:20 am
A few days ago Michigan state congresswoman Lisa Brown dared to utter the word “vagina” on the house floor. In return, she was prohibited from speaking the following day (cf. Detroit Free Press). Late...
Robocop, Detroit, España 10 Sep 2012 | 01:09 am
En Detroit el precio medio de una casa en 2008 era 7.500 dólares (podías comprar casa con una tarjeta de crédito en vez de con una hipoteca), estando actualmente un tercio del total de viviendas aband...
CreativeMornings/Detroit: Patrick Thompson 28 Jun 2013 | 09:35 pm
For CreativeMornings/Detroit on July 12th from 9:00am to 10:00am, Creative Venture alumnus Patrick Thompson of Patrick Thompson Design will be speaking about the redesign of Kresge Court at The Detroi...